[biblegateway passage=”LUKE 1:62-63″ display=”LUKE 1:62-63″]

There may be no antecedents for many things that will happen in these last days. For instance, nobody’s shadow has healed anyone before Paul’s shadow did so in the early church. We need to be delivered from abused religion so that we can break through.

There was no record found in the old testament that anybody was raised from the dead after four days, or the blind got their eyes open … etc. that was why it was not difficult for the scribes to conclude that Jesus Christ did miracles in demon’s name.

Strange occurrence happened during john the Baptist naming ceremony and also when he started preaching repentance. When God began to shift in the New Testament, the people and the scribes found it difficult to shift. It is the same thing that’s somewhat happening today.

We have known too much about demons that we are yet to study the principality of God. We should begin to understand the workings of the Hosts of God by asking God prayerfully.

We should mature to understand what is wrong from what is good. God is moving and for every move of God, he uses certain people. And we shouldn’t be left out in God’s movement. What is holding us back is religion. The religious things we do wastes time. The first barrier to be broken is the barrier of religion because religion can make us miss the moves of God from generations to generations.

It was easy for Jesus to use babes rather than scribes and pharisees because they were not weighted down with the religions problems. It was worse for someone to say that repentance could not be done without baptism but John did and the pharisees did not understand. Religion is a killer. when God began to shift the pharisees were not ready to shift

There are fleshy prayers, Pray that God will open their eyes of our understanding. Every time the glory cloud move some are left behind. Rather than for God to abort his program, he will remove the person. You are dispensable.

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