And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

Heaven has a plan for all of us and the design is already in place. According to ministry of the Spirit and not the letter. The ministry of the Priests can cause great things to happen out there with their decrees. The prophetic also operates in the cosmic realm. We can even come to point where we can be led by the Holy Spirit that we will begin to recognize the patterns in creation . At the real centre of the universe is the person of Jesus Christ. There is a church that is territorial and fitted into a portion of the Heavenly temple. Portals are beginning to open and are bringing people into the courts and council where they can birth God’s purposes for our lives.

There is a consistency of God’s purpose throughout all generation. His purpose is not only trans-territorial; it is instead trans-generational.

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The word of God is a compilation of the words of men that God bore witness to. Although, people have said that the word of God was fabricated, but it is not. The word of God is not ideas; it is Spirit and Life. The word of the Lord is forever settled but men needs to bear the witness to the realm of Flesh and blood.

So, there are going to be new books release from heaven and God is raising a set of new scribes will arise to live the living scrolls and pen them down. The past, present and the future is being compressed into one book. Salvation is free but the accuser will still show up to hinder our deliverance, healing and blessings. There is always a partnership between the heavenly watchers and earthly watchers. If we enter into the priesthood properly, we will begin to discover the hidden treasures in the earth despite economic hardships and misfortune. People can begin to have revelation of where wealth in buried in. If an angel can open the eyes of Haggai to see a well in the Deserts, who was partially in the covenant all because of the circumcision of Ishmael.

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