Youth Convention’16 (Morning Session 1)



JOB 14:1(KJV): “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.”;

Break through can be simply put as having access to things that are normally beyond us. Miracles do happen when the supernatural realm of God breaks into our physical realm. We must note that it is not only God’s people that can break into this supernatural realm, because demons and fallen angels can also break into this realm. Paul, even warned the church that at the end time people will begin to listen to seducing spirits.  Of course, the Devil has somehow gained access into the lives of everyone. The question now is “what is the technology for prevailing?” Actually, no one has ever come up with a testimony without an obstacle, at one point the enemy will always try to intercept us. Satan has so far created sufficient grounds for people to yield to seducing spirits. God cannot step into the situation until someone legitimate calls upon him. The truth be said, no one gets break through in this realm of ours without the help of Spirits. But, we have access to the greatest Spirits of all- the Holy Spirit. The bible particularly told us that without Faith, we cannot please God. Faith is the currency to unlock the supernatural.

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Jesus marveled at the Faith of the Centurion, and he still marvels at the faith of people till today. The “Great Faith” ascribed to this Centurion is not a function of activities, instead it is a function of understanding. An understanding of whom Jesus was. Lawless people cannot get heaven to move, understanding is necessary. All through the Bible, we were admonished to always trust the LORD. But, if we are not getting to break through on anything, something is wrong with us.

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When we consider this scripture, we would wonder what Faith was in this situation. Her Faith here was simply her tenacity, and her persistence that she did not even feel discouraged and insulted. We are all objects of need. We need God at every point of our life. Faith is said to come by hearing. Confession itself helps you to hear it over and over again until faith is generated in our Spirit. Faith is not viewed in quantity, just that it has to be generated. Why are we now scared to lay our hands on the sick? It is actually because, we lack faith and do not expect him to heal them.


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