Youth Convention’16 ( Friday Evening Session 1)



There is darkness and light out there. God is not just raising people with a sound prayer life, but a life that resonates the power of God. God is not just raising people with a worship life only but people that can connect with him through worship. Also, God is not just raising people with ministry but people with utterance that would make things happen. There is a sound of breakthrough in the atmosphere. The enemies never waited for us to grow before he began to launch attacks on us. The spirit of breakthrough is activated by resistance and pressure. We should understand that the points where we are encountering challenges are points of breakthrough.

There is a shift going on from saying things to doing them. We must move from merely jotting prophecies concerning us to the place of having God work in us. When God speaks, His spirit is sent to us. Religion can keep us away from the realities of the real life God has called us to. The operation of the Lord requires us to know his workings. There is no destiny out there for anybody without a deposit of God inside.

1 CORINTHIANS 12:6(KJV):And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.” ;

 GALATIANS 2:8(KJV): “For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles”,

 ACT 6:10(KJV):10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.”

 The Mighty Power of God that operated on Peter to subdue the Pharisees is the working of God in him.  Peter was not a learned man. The authority of the Pharisees was not illegitimate, it was just abused. It was against the Jewish law for Peter who was unlearned to subdue the Pharisees. What Jesus says about you is connected to a working, faithfulness means holding on to the working of God. Jesus confronted the scribes because what they knew was working against God even though what they knew was the word of God. The knowledge the scribes had blocked the way rather than open way for men. There is a mental system that is designed with scripture knowledge to abort the proceedings of God. An environment of intimacy with God is called the Bride Chamber. People who have argument have nothing compared to people who have impact.

Stephen was one of the seven deacons and he was full of the Holy Ghost. The scribes referred to people like Peter and Stephen as unlearned because they did not meet up with the standard of the scribes. Their standard was of the Holy Spirit. When God speaks His Spirit comes. The word of God is spirit and life. The moves of God happen with the operation of gifts. Prophetic apostolic people will always have peoples’ books in their atmosphere, so they can have customized ministrations for people that come.

When time comes for things to shift, it means something has matured and we have to position ourselves rightly for manifestation. When you get into the breakthrough spirit, you will begin to see what the real strongholds are. Those strongholds can be things that are closer than we think. If you have a working going on your inside, you need to know what feeds it. The Pharisees were dead on their inside because there was no working. When we stay in Life and workings of God we are sure to have prosperous manifestations.

When we have the workings of God, we have the ecosystem of God around us. The body of Christ is like an ecosystem in which every organism contributes its part. The working of God is preserved by God. The body of Christ and its fellowship are supposed to be organic. Your purpose in the body of Christ is the working in you. The presence of God with us should lead us to the discernment of His person. Already in our workings, God has designed systems to heal, change and transform. So, how much of God’s workings have you stewarded?

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