You and Your Pastor

22nd August 2021

Text: Ephesians 4:11

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The ministry of the pastoral office has been well emphasised right from the Old Testament (Psalms 77:20). The pastoral is not about title but more about functionality. It reflects the person of God because He is the first shepherd who has been tendering His flock right from the beginning.

God doesn’t play with any of His people, both the shepherd and the sheep. This is why you must be cautious about how you deal with God’s people. Jeremiah 23:3-4 highlights the importance of a shepherd; they are to feed and take care of the sheep just as Christ instructed Peter to do. The sheep are naturally weak, they do not know how to fight nor do they know the right things to feed on. However, God desires that His sheep (His people) are properly taught and fed.

From Act 20:29, pastors (shepherd) are primarily responsible for the meals of the sheep, which are messages and teachings. Therefore, it is improper to stray about taking junk from different sources. You must know your pastor and be richly fed by him. If you are properly fed, it will be easy for you to identify errors when you come across one (Act 20:29-30).

Your pastor watches over you, he is there to instruct and give you the right counsel. Therefore, there is a need to build a healthy relationship with him. In relating with your pastor, be prepared for vulnerability because being vulnerable makes you access help instead of keeping to yourself (Act 20:31). Likewise, the pastor must be diligent to know the state of his flock; this is why it is very important to build quality relationships with your pastors.

As a member of a flock, you should always adhere to the instructions and advice of your pastor (John 10:14). Also, your estimation of your pastor will determine how well or how far he can shepherd and bless you. (Matthew 10:40-42). The widow of Zarephath got blessed by Elijah because she was able to recognise and accord him due respect. When you refuse to respect or give proper recognition to your pastor, there is no way you will be blessed through him.

Every action is a seed, therefore, be careful of what you sow. Additionally, you must imbibe the act of communicating blessing to the person who communicates blessings to you (Galatians 6:6-8). It is important for you not to forget the investments in your life, that is, the people who laboured over you. You must always remember and accord them due honour (Hebrew 13:7).

Just as Paul requested, the flock should always remember to pray for their Shepherd too. Pastors are not islands; they are sometimes weak, and your prayers can go a long way to help and bless them (Hebrew 13:18, Revelation 17:7)

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