Who is your God?

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Date: 28 – June – 2020

What you love is what you will mostly find yourself talking about. If we truly love the Lord, we will always find ourselves speaking about Him. We would without hesitation show people who God is and boast about Him whenever we are asked.

Joshua 1:8

God expects that the law which is the testimony that He lives by should always remain in our mouth. God expects us to always speak only what He has communicated to us as our daily conversation. We cannot claim to love and respect Him when the very things that come from our mouth do not show or give reverence to Him.

Psalm 77:12

David, despite his busy schedule as king, made up his mind to find time in meditating about God’s work. If we must talk about Him, then we have to find time to learn and meditate on His ways.  Here are some of David’s testimonies.

  • Psalm 16:5

David being a rich king still acclaimed his portion to God because he recognized one thing; you cannot physically hold your portion in the earth except God helps you maintain it.

  • Psalm 23: 1-2

Another way of reverencing God in our lives is by recognizing that He is our shepherd. God can be the God and Saviour of the world but to make Him your shepherd is a personal decision. Matthew 6: 26 – 34 – Can we say we have made the Lord our shepherd by the way we live our lives? Do we understand that God watches over us and is very meticulous about it? If God can take care of those insignificant creatures, how much more us? The reason we are not seeing the power of God is that we have not confessed His words over our personal lives.

  • Psalm 23: 4

David’s heart was fixed on God for safety. If we do not make the Lord our shield, we will fear just anything.

Hebrews 13: 5-6

Our present condition is never a true reflection of whether God is or is not with us because He has promised never to leave nor forsake us. We must know the testimony of the God we serve so that we can also live by what He lives by which is His word.

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