Divine Mandate

[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 3:16-18″ display=”1 Corinthians 3:16-18″]

If you are not properly observant, you will think the words of the scriptures are a paradox but paying close attention you will see that it is consistent. It is so fascinating that the bible defines us as the temple of God. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our redemption so that our entire life will serve as God’s habitation. 

God wants to walk with us and dwell among us. The realm of the Spirit is a dimension governed by laws and principles. This is why we could inherit sin through Adam and we also obtained redemption through Christ. You need to understand that what is established on the cross is what is true concerning you. Legally speaking our spirit, soul and body are saved but functionally speaking our spirit is saved, our soul is being saved and our body shall be saved.

Experientially, we have to buy into the mind of God and invade what is true so that what is legally true can become our reality. Faith declares what is true because the word of God cannot be broken.

The essence of the redemptive work of Christ is that we have been elevated to that provision of prestige in the realm of the Spirit where we will serve as God’s dwelling place on earth. We are called and chosen by God to domicile his glory and essence on earth ([biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 3:16″ display=”1 Corinthians 3:16″]) so that when people see us they see God. When you understand that you have been chosen to be a mobile carrier of God’s glory you will be motivated to consecrate yourself to be God’s dwelling on earth. 

As we live to meet the yearning of God (that we become his habitation), grace is administered to us to consecrate ourselves and then we become the sons of God that creatures await. Nations await liberation and we are the called-out ones for the job. It is our lifestyle that will cause revival to break forth. The battle cry in the spirit realm is activated by the roar of the Spirit. Prayer clears our climate so that the word of God can come purely to us. 

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