The theme of this convention “The warfare of the kingdom”, touches the fundamentals of our faith and it is one aspect that we need to really be grounded in. The moment you were born again, you entered into a system that automatically pitches you against an enemy, but the problem is that believers are really not aware of this truth.

It is possible for warfare to be ongoing and we are not aware of it because we are not yet affected by it, but someday, the warfare could eventually move into our territories. There is a dynamic difference between the Kingdom and the Church so that we would be able to plan and appreciate the technologies of managing warfare. The Church is not the Kingdom because the Kingdom existed long before the church came to be. The Kingdom is the syllabus for the Church to learn.

1 Corinthians 12:1- 3, 12-13, Romans 10:9 – 10. 

Translation from the power of darkness to the Kingdom of light begins the moment we believe in Jesus. In this, we were taken away from the hold of the enemy and immediately darkness comes on a chase to recover us. However, we must understand how the enemy strategizes and how the warfare is formed so that we would not begin to chase after things that do not matter.

This convocation aims at getting us ready so that the battle does not catch us unawares. God is the King that rules in the affairs of men and He would not place anyone that has not been proven. The major expressions of the Kingdom are power and glory and God first establishes His Kingdom in us, fighting every other kingdom invading our hearts. It is a matter of yieldedness, the questions are “what do we yield our hearts to?” and “what moves us?”. 

If He can conquer our hearts, then He can conquer everything in our environment, because warfare is first in the heart. However, we need to know the reason for the existence of the Kingdom otherwise we would not understand the reason for the striving. The church is a people but the Kingdom is a system of dominion.

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