It is possible to be a preacher for many years and still miss the purpose of God. The purpose of God is all about His Kingdom. The reason why there is so much confusion around is that we are not all on the same page. If ministers understand the single reason for ministry, there would be hardly any difference in what they will believe and teach. As a leader, you must work with a sense of responsibility because you would give an account of your stewardship. You cannot afford to misbehave. 

[biblegateway passage=”Matthew 28: 18 – 19″ display=”Matthew 28: 18 – 19″]

No one invades a territory without an army. Every Kingdom has an army and we are the army of God. God gave John the Baptist permission to baptize for the singular reason of identifying Christ. We also need to find out how Jesus would want us to teach the nations.  We presently exist in a testament of obedience. When we build our lifestyle after the pattern of the world, we become a disordered replica of the kingdom

[biblegateway passage=”Mark 16:15-18″ display=”Mark 16:15-18″], [biblegateway passage=”1Corinthians 12:4-6″ display=”1Corinthians 12:4-6″]

Every kingdom submits to the will of the king. In the administration of the church, the trinity is actively involved. Testimonies are needed for encouragement. They serve as leverage for the battles ahead. You must also know that in the kingdom mantles are not placed in the hands of men who have not been proven. 2Timothy 2:1-3

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