Warfare of the Kingdom Day 4 Morning Session by Pastor(Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

The army of the Lord does not consist of ordinary men; they are watchers, and a formidable team.
Psalms 2:1-2 – From the outset, when man was given dominion over all things, war was already declared between man and the devil. Romans 1:21 – In the warfare of the kingdom, what the devil does mainly is to attack the anointed and go against the will of God. Hence, there is a declaration of war. The kingdom of God is about the message of the son of God.

Acts 8:1-9
Persecution is a form of spiritual warfare. Therefore, our commission is to build a defence against the persecution in the land. It is essential for christians to preach the good news, for this is the duty that has been committed unto us by God.

Matthew 4:1-6
Satan does not want us to be aligned to the Lord. His purpose is to drift us away from God’s will. Jesus was tempted because satan had assumed that the earth was his territory and he would not let Jesus go. However, God sometimes allows some things to happen to us so that his name will be glorified. God permitted Jesus’ temptation to prove that he (Jesus) was his true son. He wanted to make a show of Himself as the sovereign God. He knew his son cannot fail.

Romans 1:21
The Lord is concerned about us. We are a peculiar people, so we cannot just do things as we please. God wants us to come into alignment as we journey with him. When we come into alignment, we come into God. 1John 2:12-14
Revelation 12:10, 2Chronicles 20:20
You cannot fight your battle yourself unless the Lord helps you. God is our defender. Your strength will fail you, even people will fail you. The only person who will not fail you is God. It’s important you know your God lest you fight in vain. As Christians we must live the life of the Spirit. This is a challenge for us but God will not leave us without help.

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