Warfare of the Kingdom Day 4 Morning Session by Pastor Tayo Ladejo

We cannot exhaust teachings about the kingdom. There is nothing wrong when prosperity is preached just that the content should still be within the kingdom. True prosperity has nothing to do with developing greed so when your teaching on prosperity triggers greed in the heart of your listener(s), something is wrong with the message. God is the giver of all things, therefore, prosperity is a part of the kingdom.
God is ultimate but his decision to intervene in any challenge is left to himself. The sovereign will of God is an expression of the kingdom. It is established that God is supreme. Therefore, the contention in warfare is not based on superiority, what is primarily at stake is the soul of man.

The emphasis of the kingdom is the perfection of the saints. When saints are perfected, the kingdom of God advances on earth. Understanding kingdom is coming into understanding of God’s agenda on earth
Let’s define perfection:
1. Biblical perfection has nothing to do with being sinless. Perfection is not measured by your moral uprightness otherwise it will be reduced to works and motivated by egocentric self-righteousness (Matthew 5:48)
2. Biblical perfection is always setting the father as the standard. Our conformity to God’s ultimate standard is perfection. The hallmark of spiritual maturity is character formation.
3. Perfection has nothing to do with the acquisition of revelation knowledge. Maturity is not defined by how much revelation you know but by how much revelation knowledge is at work in you and changing you. Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with your accumulation of revelational knowledge, it is made evident by the quality of your lifestyle. Matthew 7:20-22 – Putting priority on the will of God gives you access into the kingdom. Matthew 5:48 – There is a righteousness that springs forth through the crucifixion of the flesh.

Matthew 7:20-23
The kingdom is not a display of Charisma.When you become acquainted to spiritual cliche you will be stocked. As Christians we must become an entity of power.Every culture responds to love. Love is what breaks the barrier.The passion of God in you should drive you to the point of knowing him. We must also learn to apply the principle of order if we will enter the kingdom. Here are some orders to follow:
(1) We must be well rooted in the basics of biblical foundation. We must constantly revisit our foundation if we will be instrumental towards the advancing of the kingdom of God on earth.
(2) The second order deals accountability. You must be ready to submit your thought to spiritual authority. One of the ways we learn from weaknesses and struggles is to learn to be accountable to spiritual authorities. Revelation 11:15
The kingdom is first about knowing and pleasing the king. It is in knowing, pleasing and by adhering to the king’s pleasure that you come into his domain. It is the will of God that the kingdom of God infiltrates the kingdom of the world. God’s intent is to use you as his contact point in the world system. Our walk with God is not just a religious process but a journey leading somewhere. We cannot fulfil the dominion mandate without authority and endorsement. The seal of God does not rest upon flesh. Truly, you need earthly wisdom; you need to be the best at what you do but that is not what the seal of God rests on. The seal of God rests on Christ in you.

Colossians 1:27- The mystery is that Christ manifests in us who are ordinary believers, who are trying to come into the will of God. The revelation of Christ through you is what makes you instrumental to showcase the will of God to the gentiles. The more Christ is formed in us, the more the mystery is revealed through you. God’s authority and endorsement only rest upon the church.

No man is our standard, they are only reference points. Luke 16:16 – God intends that we exceed where he had been. He wants us to transcend where he used to be. Don’t owe your allegiance to any man but to the Lord. Your priority is to know Him. Do not give attention to anything that is not of the standard of Christ in the kingdom. Truth is the vehicle that will bring about our reconciliation with God.

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