[biblegateway passage=”Mark 3: 22 – 27″ display=”Mark 3: 22 – 27″]

In taking over territories, there are general and specific conditions to it; if you jump in anyhow, you will be removed in the same manner. It is God’s will that believers are used as instruments in taking over lost territories. Many times we get ourselves locked into pursuing minor things thinking we are pursuing the major things of God and in the process, we are losing territories.

There is one spirit in the arsenal of Satan that hardly fails, which is the seducing spirit. The devil attempts to sell to believers a more viable or presentable option. As believers, we should not allow anyone to look down on us because we are youths. We ought to desire hunger in order to become very effective in that which the Lord is doing. Our individual hunger is reflective of what God is doing in our hearts individually.

Every one of us can be instrumental in taking over territories, but the question is: do we really see ourselves as such? God is no respecter of any person, we are all people helped by God through Grace. There is a way that we can order our lives before God that would make the Lord use us. Our hunger is supposed to take us back to the Lord; if this hunger takes us anywhere else, then that hunger is not from the Lord. Our hunger should be commensurate to what you are seeking.
God never sends anybody out without corresponding backup.

Don’t blame God for how He chooses to use you. You cannot take territories for God if you are not ready to engage fully. We should come into a place of daily cleansing: we have to guard our hearts, our stomachs and our thoughts. We need to be fully involved and fashioned according to the palace style.

It is not enough to just have information about your calling or destiny, you must also know everything about your enemy. You must be spiritually smart to predict your enemy’s moves steps ahead. God will never send you to a territory except you are equipped. When you get to the enemy’s territory, you must be ready to fight the strong man because the devil will always come after you, he will never come to negotiate with you.

The territory we are trying to secure is ourselves; we are God’s territory. In taking over territories, there are three things we need to do;
1. Receive clear instructions about how to stop, bind and restrict the strong man permanently.
2. Take the spoils of the battle
3. Take the house after taking the spoils. For instance, when God gives you one soul, we should train the soul in such a way that he/she cannot even backslide again.

[biblegateway passage=”2 John 1:8″ display=”2 John 1:8″] – If God says that there is something called ‘full reward’, then it suggests that there is also something called ‘partial reward’ and another known as ‘no reward’. We can even lose the things we laboured for when we do the following:
1. Despise the discipline that brought us far
2. Despite the calling that was placed over our lives
3. Despise the role of our fathers in our lives
4. Despise our prayer altars.
5. Become too familiar with spiritual things.
6. Seek for earthly establishment concerning matters that progress via spiritual travail and,
7. We do not abide in the doctrines of Christ

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