There are three perspectives to the kingdom of God: The kingdom past, present and the kingdom in eternity.

[biblegateway passage=”Acts 17: 21-26″ display=”Acts 17: 21-26″]; [biblegateway passage=”Exodus 19:6;” display=”Exodus 19:6;”]

We need to understand the role of priests as it affects the kingdom. Priests constitute the Kingdom; they are king-makers so they determine who rules in the land. Without priests, there will be no king. Priests also have the capacity to sustain and to dethrone kings ([biblegateway passage=”Jeremiah 51:21-22″ display=”Jeremiah 51:21-22″], [biblegateway passage=”1 Samuel 15:22-28″ display=”1 Samuel 15:22-28″]). They have a heavenly government with which they judge the government of the earth. 

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 7:23″ display=”Hebrews 7:23″] – Priesthood has its laws; the law of righteousness and truth. The word that makes a priest is the word of oath and goes along with consecration (Hebrews 6:16-17). However, our consecration does not mean flawlessness. It is also important for us to know that the oath that establishes our priesthood has been confirmed by the blood. There is no battle that is won without the participation of priests. We are the rod of the Lord that he is going to use to pull down strongholds and wrong government by us.

The problem in our spiritual warfare is that we look at it as a personal issue. Conversely, it is a heavenly issue which must be resolved before your personal issues. You need to set your priorities right.

Devotion is required of a priest. It is not just in activities, but a commitment to the course and purpose to which one believes in. It involves dedicating or devoting the totality of one’s whole life unto that purpose (Matthew 10:37). There is a level of devotion that the church should come to. You don’t build what you don’t own, therefore you need to come to that point where you would own the work. Devotion is required in the house of God (Romans 12: 1-2). You don’t reject an act of service to God because of an individual, that will depict lack of devotion. Devotion is what brings the reality of the kingdom to us.

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