Warfare of the Kingdom Day 2 Morning Session by Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Exodus 16:22-30


When the men were sent to spy the land, they saw giants though God didn’t tell them about the giant; He only told them of the promise. The spies were right when they said they saw giants but they were not expected to fear them. If you must lay hold on God’s promises, you must be willing to war.

Joshua 5: 10, Matthew 28:11, Hebrews 4:1-2.

Rest comes by searching. Abraham was credited as righteous when he was willing to kill his son. Here is an important question you must ask yourself, “What am I doing to show that I’m ready to step out as pertaining to what God had said”? It is not a function of how long you can speak in tongues, you must be willing to take a step in the direction of God’s instruction.

Four men who had faith took down their sick friend through the roof. Jesus saw their faith and declared the sick man forgiven. People resisted not because Jesus healed the man but because he said his sins were forgiven which was a statement they believed only a high priest could offer after he has offered blood for his cleansing. Hebrews 4:8-11- We must be ready to strife/ contend and the weapons are open to whoever is willing.

Ephesians 1:3 is one of the things we must contend for.  Divine nature is not walking through walls because we are not magicians. There are strata of blessing we must keep climbing. Don’t just agree with teachings in church. Step out! Caleb didn’t ask God for a valley or plain but a mountain. There’s a war that must also be fought in your imagination.

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