What Value do You Place on God’s Kingdom?

25th January, 2022

Ministering: Deacon Blessing Akoma

Matthew 4:1-11
Matthew presented Jesus as a man and the writer of Hebrew presented Him as being a little lower than the angels. In that light, Jesus was prone to human frailties. We were made to understand that all the glory of this world has been delivered unto Satan by Adam. If we don’t know the value and the worth of the thing we have, there is a possibility of throwing it away.
Genesis 25:28-34
Jacob and Esau: Esau, though famished, placed little value on his birthright when Jacob requested it of him; he despised the inheritance. Hunters are supposed to be courageous and brave but Esau lost his bravery and could not guard his position because of red pottage. To us it could be ‘red’ girls, ‘red’ money, etc.
Joseph had every opportunity to lose his guard but he was not careless. Once your eyes are opened to see the worth of what you carry, it will be difficult to let go of it. Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened; we need to understand that what we carry is priceless and invaluable.
Songs of Solomon 5:1-6; Genesis 32:25-26.
Jacob had excuse to let go when he was wrestling with God, but he wouldn’t. We must know the value of what we carry. The possibility of being careless with what we have abounds if we don’t know its worth. Once we see the great value in our inheritance, leaving it will be very difficult. There’s a way our mind will be attached to it once we can see it. We will be willing to let go of other things for its sake.
We need not be like Esau who conquered territories on the outside but could not guard his inheritance. One of the ways we can know the value of what we have is when we go to the Lord to open our eyes to see. We must know the value of what God has given us. If it is not of high value, the enemy will not be interested in it.

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