Pastor Sola Ogidan

[biblegateway passage=”Romans 5:1″ display=”Romans 5:1″]

One of the benefits of being in the kingdom is peace with God, having the enmity between God and us removed. God has declared us as not guilty before Him as an upshot of the Faith we have in Jesus.

Many times, we are used to seeing the benefits of God as too good to be true and tag it as an afterlife experience. Sin has altered and corrupted this present system so much that God’s concept of marriage, fatherhood etc has already been corrupted. So, we need to just journey into God back to the beginning and then the creature will respond back to normalcy.

[biblegateway passage=”Romans 8:15″ display=”Romans 8:15″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 Timothy 1:6-7″ display=”2 Timothy 1:6-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 2:14″ display=”Hebrews 2:14″]; [biblegateway passage=”Luke 1:67-75″ display=”Luke 1:67-75″]

There was a certain kind of fear that came upon Adam, one that made him hide away from God. This kind of fear has been removed from believers already, we can boldly approach God, but another kind of fear still exists. This kind of fear distracts us and makes us unable to serve God as effectively as possible.

[biblegateway passage=”1 Kings 5:1-5″ display=”1 Kings 5:1-5″]

David’s reign typified the operation of the kingdom of God as he established the Kingdom of Israel, putting all the enemies unto subjection. God’s end for the people of Israel is that they might serve Him and his means to this end was to deliver them from their enemies and those that hate them.

David had to make provisions for Solomon to build the temple of God. This provision was not only material, but he has ensured that all the enemies of Israel were all in subjection. The kingdom of Israel was established making Solomon have peace and no enemies or distractions to build.

It is impossible to make spiritual progress when we are all about fighting battles. This was the reason why David could not build the temple. We must understand that if we are not delivered from the past, we cannot press into the future. The kingdom of God has made us free from oppressions and failures of the past so that we can advance into the future. The man that fights demons and enemies all the days of his life cannot advance in the knowledge of God.

We cannot claim that we are Kingdom people when all the days of our lives we are fighting sicknesses, poverty and demons. Jesus did not promise to give yokes to people bearing yokes. He said we are supposed to first drop off our yokes and get rest from Him in order to gain entrance learn of Him. The ministration of the Kingdom is meant to first deliver us from fears.

We are not saying that all of these demonic issues do not exist, but we are emphasizing that the Kingdom has made provisions for us to be delivered.

[biblegateway passage=”Isaiah 8:9-13″ display=”Isaiah 8:9-13″] [biblegateway passage=”Colossians 1:12-13″ display=”Colossians 1:12-13″]

The New Testament pattern is that the Lord alone is our fear and dread. Satan should not be our fear and dread. The fear of the Lord alone is supposed to rule us. Something is wrong if as God’s people we still live in fear of what the enemy can do against us. We have provisions in the kingdom for deliverance and freedom.

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 11:20″ display=”Luke 11:20″] [biblegateway passage=”Psalm 110:1-3″ display=”Psalm 110:1-3″]

A Kingdom family is free from devils. Service to God is to do the will of God. When the Kingdom of God comes, every opposition gives way to have the will of God done. In the days of God’s power, His people shall be willing because all the fears that would oppose us to serve have been removed.

[biblegateway passage=”2 Timothy 1:6-8″ display=”2 Timothy 1:6-8″]

Paul instructed Timothy to stir up the gifts of God inside him that has been hindered by fear from the externals. People have left their convictions from the Lord because of the fear that comes from the testimonies of people about it. No fear should stand between us and doing God’s will. Nothing can be done against a fearless man, he cannot be stopped. Even our knowledge from sciences can bring Fear upon us and limit us.

The kingdom is not about preaching, it is for expression. As kingdom people, we can stand to say no to the operations that are contrary to the counsels of God for us. The only thing we need to be sure of is to be sure if this is God’s will for us.

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