Fellowship is not something you have a choice over as a believer. The Church was not built on human philosophy but on the knowledge (wisdom) of God.

[biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 1:1-7″ display=”1 JOHN 1:1-7″], [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 133:1″ display=”PSALM 133:1″]

God allows Himself to be studied. One of the true traits of a disciple is asking questions. Many believers do not go further to prove what they have heard.

We must hear truths and put it into practice, not bringing the attitude of the education system in tertiary institutions into spiritual things. Few of us are willing to put our lives down for the things we believe in.

God is Light. He manifests Himself in Light. God is the generator of Light, He Fathers Light and that Light is not dependent on anything (outside of itself) to exist. John tells us that it is the Life we find in God that gives Light. Religion teaches expectations and these cannot sustain us as there is no Life generating it.

The men John was testifying about in 1 John 1 were given eternal life at the time of their New Birth, but that was not sufficient as they needed to still handle the Word of Life. The same is true of us because days will come when the things we have known will be put to test. We might have asserted to these things mentally, but we might not really have accepted them.

John and his brethren saw the life. Life produces growth. When we have life, those things would automatically come into manifestation. Eternal life was what they had seen.

The reason John declared this is so that others may have fellowship with them as their fellowship is truly with the Father, and with His Son, Jesus Christ. The reason we are not experiencing this Life in fullness is because we have not fellowshipped as they did. We too can come into this fellowship if as they did, we not only see, but look upon (observe closely) and handle (begin to apply) the Word of Life.

The message John declared is that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. This simple truth is the foundation of all other truths we find in the Bible. When the Bible says that we are the Light of the world, it is because there is a Life in us that generates Light. Wherever we are, we cannot but shine.

Every act of sin and death is a manifestation of darkness (Ephesians 5:8). An unbeliever has a life within him that generates darkness. What kind of life are you carrying?

At the New Birth, the seed of Life was planted in you and you must continue to nurture it. The works of darkness are called the works of the flesh. You cannot claim to be in fellowship with God and yet walk in darkness.

The blood of Jesus cleanses our consciences from sin as we walk in Light. The blood is working in you because there is something within you that needs to be purged. Every time you walk in the darkness, it neutralizes every work that has been done in Light. The Bible tells us that we must walk in the Light so that we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

The Spirit generates Light. It is the Spirit of Light and they (John and his brethren) all walked in that Light. Our following suit (that is, by our walking in that Light), brings about fellowship.

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