Maximizing your potentials in the Lord

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Minister: Pst. (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

23rd March, 2021

When we talk about potentials, the first thing that comes to mind is natural talent but here, we talk about authority. Authority talks about influence, control, or ruler-ship.

After the creation of man in Genesis 1:26, God gave unto man power and authority over all that He has created but Satan came and stole that authority from him. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus got back all power and authority. This was given to Him by God. This power and authority was effectively utilized and transferred to us and is not meant to be for fun. Rather, we should utilize it by going to teach the nations.

John 5:19-20 reveals the relationship that exists between God, the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son. The relationship gave Jesus the confidence to pronounce that all power belongs to Him. It was God’s will for Jesus to take custody of all power and authority. He did nothing of His own but of His Father (John 7:18).

Ephesians 1:20-23

Jesus was given power to do many things one of which is the power to judge according to Luke 5:22. Mark 4:37-41 also recorded other great things He did with the power and authority that was given to Him. His assurance in the power He carries cannot be quantified. Since the power has been vested in Him, He has the authority to do all He did. He was able to make certain declarations without consulting anyone. As children of God, we have to make certain declarations using the power that has been given to us.

In Luke 4:40 and Luke 5:20, it is obvious that Jesus did not discriminate who will enjoy His power and who will not. He exercised fully His power to heal and forgive upon everyone that came His way.

Jesus also exercised His authority in the temple when He healed the blind man in Matthew 21:14. One thing that was peculiar in Jesus’ case was that almost everyone who enjoyed His power, came looking for Him. It was not Jesus who was looking for them. This was so because they were greatly amazed at most of what He did. One of such miracles that amazed the people is recorded in Luke 9:43-44.

Jesus, by the authority invested in Him, rebuked fever in the body of Peter’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:39. We need to come to that level where we also rebuke illnesses and things that are not of God. To fully express the power that has been given to us, we should not be carried away as stated in Luke 6:25. If we must express the authority which was given, we need to learn from Him.

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