Pastor (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

[biblegateway passage=”Revelations 4:1-11″ display=”Revelations 4:1-11″]

For many of us, God has been beckoning unto us but instead of drawing near, we pull back. Hebrews 4:16 says we are to come boldly before God’s throne of grace. This is the only place we can receive divine ability. You must look beyond whatever might be weighing you down or things that make you feel depressed and come before the Lord.

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 12:22-23″ display=”Hebrews 12:22-23″]

When we come to search, to draw, to seek, we will have His eternal purposes revealed to us. When we come before God’s throne, all things which might appear to be in disarray, will be put in its proper place. God is merciful and gracious to us. His thoughts transcends all we know. When we come before His throne, we are coming to a place of purity.

[biblegateway passage=”Psalm 9:7″ display=”Psalm 9:7″], [biblegateway passage=”Psalm 47:8″ display=”Psalm 47:8″]; [biblegateway passage=”Psalm 89:14″ display=”Psalm 89:14″]

His throne is also a place of judgement and holiness.

[biblegateway passage=”Psalm 24″ display=”Psalm 24″], [biblegateway passage=”Psalm 45:6-7″ display=”Psalm 45:6-7″], [biblegateway passage=”Isaiah 6:1-7″ display=”Isaiah 6:1-7″]

The people the Lord is coming back for are those who are blameless and without blemish. They have the character of the Lord Jesus formed in them, they are humble and teachable. No unclean person can have access to the throne of God. There is no life anywhere else but in Him. We must appear before Him daily and remain in His courts forever, so His eternal purposes will not elude us.

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