[biblegateway passage=”EZEKIEL 16:44-62″ display=”EZEKIEL 16:44-62″];

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”

JAMES 3:17

God got to a point with the Israelites where He had to recount the things he had done for them. He was so provoked because of the defiance of his people in spite of His faithfulness to them.

Everything created by God tells us about various dimensions in Him. God’s wisdom is accessible to everyone who cares to interface with it. The wisdom of God is reasonable. When God gives one a direction, it should still be subject to the scrutiny of His people. The wisdom of God is not stuck up.

The Jewish Church saw the power of God in its raw form yet they were obstinate. They even killed the prophets sent to them. However, God was always willing to have them back whenever they returned to Him.

God remains committed to His people because of His covenant with them. He deals with us such that we will never find a fault in Him. Nevertheless, He is always ready to attend to our arguments. God is always willing to reason with man.

No man will go scot-free if he rejects the offering up of Jesus by God to save humanity. When we approach God in the name of Jesus, He sees us as though we have never done anything wrong.

God is willing to yield if we can bring forth our strong reasons. We can change the course of history if we can always play our part in coming before Him to intreat Him. Just like Abraham, we can negotiate with God and prevail upon Him to change His mind about certain circumstances.

We must learn the dynamics of relating with God correctly so that we will not waste our efforts on needless things. In as much as we know that God grants speedy answers to prayers, we must also understand that He can also delay certain things from coming to us so that we can be set right.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.


God’s mercy and compassion do not come because we put ourselves in pitiful conditions. We should have enough knowledge to always come boldly to the Throne of Grace in order to obtain mercy.

It is only in our dealings with God that we can discover Him. When we stay away from God, we are missing critical fellowship.

We must always see God as a reasonable person whom we can interact with without prejudice. We must always understand that we can call God to a conference. We are very free to ask Him questions and He will definitely answer.

To come to terms with God’s processes, we must understand that some of our prayers get answered immediately while some get answered in the future. In fact, some will never get answered.

We must relate with God so much that His Sovereign Will becomes our guiding light. He wants to be discovered so that we will be shielded from His judgment.

If God is reasonable we also have to be reasonable. We must never take His benevolence for a license to misbehave.

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