The Men of David – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi


Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Text: 1 Chronicle 12:

God is interested in our actions so much so that He takes delight in noting our exploits. This is why even if men do not recognize us, our labour does not go unnoticed. An example of men whose efforts seem not to be recognized by men is the men of David.

The men of David are skilled men. They were anointed, skilled, and gifted. Their skillfulness is such that they performed excellently at war. These men were of different origins and backgrounds yet, they worked together to achieve one goal. Their purpose was to turn the kingdom to become David’s. The church also must begin to seek to achieve one goal not minding the diversity.

The men of David were men of might and counsel. These are examples of attributes we need as believers to engage in Christian warfare. In our journey into fullness, we must understand our individual giftings and how to channel them at the war front.

None of the men of David was considered insignificant. Likewise, in God’s sight, no believer is insignificant. As such, we must honour every man as they are. The church is meant to dominate the earth and turn the kingdom back to God. Thus, the church must learn the principle of the Kingdom. While it is good to desire the gift of others, we must understand that for every additional grace, there is a calling to greater responsibilities.

One important thing to keep to heart in the history of the men of David is that a perfect state of heart is required if we must all attain the goal. The perfect state of our hearts will help judge our desires and intention. These men did exploits and we are reading about them today; what will be said of us when we are no more? What exploit will you do for God? God is interested in having us take our own place. We must take our stand, fight if we need to, and bring the kingdom back to God. The acts of the saints are still being recorded; let your name count. Don’t appear before your God empty-handed. Do something worth the praise of God.

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