[biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 2:9-17″ display=”GENESIS 2:9-17″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 3:6″ display=”GENESIS 3:6″]; [biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 11:3-4″ display=”ISAIAH 11:3-4″]

Sight is a very crucial part of human existence. In fact, for the Devil to get man to fall, he had to appeal to his sight. Despite the fact that the eyes of Adam and Eve were not opened physically at first, they were still able to ‘see’ the picture the Devil painted. We can see that man has two sets of eyes. There are the physical eyes and the inner eyes. The inner eyes confer on man the ability to see things in their true prophetic state. When man fell, his carnal eyes opened while his prophetic eyes became impaired.

Everything in creation tells us about Christ. The attributes of the things God created, known and unknown to man, sum up to the nature of Christ. As such, every single thing in creation teaches us about Christ. Jesus, because of His accurate and perfect sight, was always able to judge righteously and reprove with equity. The will of God can only be found out by proper sight. The first thing that salvation deals with is sight and that is why when we get born again, we are able to see the kingdom of God before we begin to walk and work to enter into it (John 3:3,5).

[biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 2:11-12″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 2:11-12″]; [biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 1:17-18″ display=”EPHESIANS 1:17-18″]; [biblegateway passage=”REVELATION 3:15-18″ display=”REVELATION 3:15-18″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 PETER 1:19″ display=”2 PETER 1:19″]

Only the spirit of a man can reveal to him the hidden treasures on his inside. This spirit is not the Holy Spirit, it is the human spirit (Job 32:8). Only the Holy Spirit knows the things of God and it is He alone who can search the mind of God to show us His things. There is a spirit of the world that is controlled by lust: The lust of the flesh; the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Only the Spirit of God can help us see the things that have been freely given to us.

God led Moses to the Red Sea because He could see a road there. Moses could not see the road initially that was why he panicked. He later saw it, so he was bold enough to stretch his rod so that the road would appear. Once the Devil can get and keep us blind then he is done with us. If we can no longer see, we are done for! Whatever happens, we must make sure that our sights are intact. We become less passionate about our walk with God because the hope of our calling is very dim to us, we only see it faintly. The hope must be vivid to us so that we can have a change of attitude. The hope has to be clear to us so that we can be more enthusiastic.

We cannot see the glory of God until the eyes of our understanding are enlightened. We cannot come to the knowledge of Jesus if we don’t see. We have to see Him to behold His sight. We cannot end up with God if we are blind. Christianity starts by faith but if we must make progress, we must know that faith alone is not sufficient. There are other things that should be added, e.g. knowledge. If we must make our elections and callings sure, we have to make the necessary additions to our faith (II Peter 1:1-12).

We need eye salve for our eyes so that we can see, otherwise we will not be able to walk correctly. Being able to see is a major breakthrough in our Christian race. Sight can come to play in our imagination and understanding. Jesus is the perfect image of God because He is able to see the things God likes and likes them. He is also able to see the things that God hates and hates them. He sees God and he lives just like Him. When we take heed to the word of God which is a more sure word of prophecy, the day star will ultimately arise in our hearts as darkness is continually dispelled. The word of God is like a light that shines in a dark place and we have to bank on it for sight from time to time.

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