The Implications of your Thought

29th August 2021

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Have you often wondered what the key to success or having a breakthrough is? Maybe you have sometimes wondered how you can live a victorious life according to the plan of God. Yes, God has indeed given us everything that we need to become what He wants us to be, but as we know, man has invented many things that have affected the way we think.

If there is anything that makes you and me different from animals, it is that we can imagine things. This is one gift that God has given to man. Imagination and thoughts come from the heart, and when they are evil, we are seen as wicked before the Lord.

Romans 8: 5 – 8

It is the thoughts in our hearts that defile us and put us in the realm of the flesh. If our thoughts are evil, then we are in the flesh. Yes, we might not be able to stop certain thoughts from coming to our minds, but we can choose whether to let them stay or not. That is why we should be careful of the kind of thoughts we allow in our hearts. If we can have victory over the thoughts that stay in our hearts, then we have victory over our bodies.

Isaiah 55:7

Without forsaking our ways and thoughts, we cannot return to God. A man walking in his ways and accommodating wicked thoughts cannot walk with God. God is who He is because of His ways and His thoughts. His might and glory and every other attribute that He has are only a product of His ways and His thoughts. Therefore, if we want to have the kind of results that God has, then we need to change our ways and thoughts to be like His.

Romans 12:1

We were naturally raised to be everything bad: individualistic, selfish and unwise. However, we must daily seek a change of heart and live like God. In Joshua 1:8, God was trying to change the way Joshua thought because He knew that if Joshua could start thinking His thoughts, no one would be a match for him. There is a need to pay significant attention to the thoughts in our minds because we become what we think.

Before God will intervene in any man’s life, He will need to change the way he thinks. Every promise is a seed and when it comes to us, we have to take out time to nurture it. When we meditate on God’s promises and groom them, we will one day become a forest full of fruitful trees.

In conclusion, do not be driven by fear or negative pressure because God is not ruled by fear (2 Timothy 1:7).

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