MINISTERING: Pastor Ayo Jeje

It is so exciting to see a group of youths seeking the High Calling of God in an age when people are interested in the benefit- and need-driven gospel. It is amazing to God for a life that is just like a vapour to capture His essence. The yardstick for your life is not man, it is God’s intent. Physically, the more you grow the more independent you become. Spiritually, the more you grow the more dependent you should become on God. God always wants to strip you of your independence. Man always wants to be in charge, even in the things of God. The biggest salvation we need is from ourselves.
ROMANS 8:28:
“28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
The essence of our existence is not because of the mundane plans we have or the superior medical care we have access to. We are living because God is keeping us and He does not keep what He doesn’t need. We are here because of God’s calling. The value of your life is not in the estimation of who you are, it is all about who God says you are. We are alive because of the call of God hanging upon us and the earlier we discover the call, the better for us. Every circumstance around our lives will respond to the call as we respond to the call of God upon our lives. What we call ‘good’ is not what God calls ‘good’. Things are only good when they align with God’s will, even if they are unpleasant. In the beginning, God had the capacity to create everything all at once. However, he had to follow a process in creating the universe. The sustenance of the earth is tied to the various processes God set in motion. To not follow process is to be out of order. It is to be without form and void. Each day you wake up, take it with reverence. Don’t just follow the usual regime of activities. Live with the consciousness of purpose every passing moment. We are free to challenge whatsoever we don’t like. We can ask God questions and He will always answer. Jesus did not want to go to the cross and he prayed about it but He found that it was God’s will to go that way. As such, we should always be ready to go God’s way no matter what it looks like.
” 14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” ;
” And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.” ;
“For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”
There are times we war like lions and there times we war like lambs. The sacrifice and submission of a lamb are veritable weapons of warfare. In certain warfare, vulnerability is a weapon. The lamb nature is not weakness. We are expected to be lambs when we deal with people on the earth. However, in the realm of the Spirit, we are expected to be lions. Gentleness as dove and wisdom as serpent will always have to go together. It is a done deal that the Lamb shall overcome with those that are with Him. If you are truly with Him, you should operate like Him in His very essence. To be with Him is to be properly aligned with Him. There are churches today that want to ‘eat their own food’ and ‘wear their own apparel’ and still bear the name of the Lamb. Without mincing words, they are not with Him. We have to stop being validated by things after flesh because we are the circumcision that worship God in the Spirit.

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