Teach Us to Number Our Days – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi


Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Psalm 90:1-12
This Psalm was penned down by Moses the servant of God who, at the age of 80 years, started the ministry that God ordained for him. He did it for 40 years till he left at the age of 120. All men will definitely die and exit this earth until the time of Jesus’s coming. The question is, “are we prepared to meet with our God?” It will be foolish for any man not to pay attention to this sobering fact.

All men die, no matter their age. We pray to live for many years but nobody actually knows exactly how long they will live. When we stand before God to give an account of all we did on Earth, what will we say?

Heaven does not keep record of the fact that we were able to build houses or buy cars. The focus of heaven is what we do with respect to the kingdom of God. Our lives on earth is basically a preparation stage for our eternity.

All men will return to God and we will give account of how we live our lives. In what form will we appear before Him? What will be our testimony before God? What will we tell Him we used our time on earth for? So, Moses prayed that God should teach him to number his days, so he can be more accountable with his life.

We have to always evaluate our lives to know how well we are living at every point in time. Paul, writing to the church in Corinth, said we should examine ourselves whether we are in the faith because once we cross into the other side of life, our eternity is sealed forever. We cannot afford to play games with our souls. We should always ask ourselves genuinely if we are ready to stand before God. We should never assume on Him and so we need to be deliberate about how we live.

God has given us the most precious gift in life- the shedding of the blood of Jesus for our redemption- we should not take it for granted. Hell and heaven are real and our actions here determine where we end up.

To be wise is to depart from iniquity. Turn to God and He will have mercy on you. Never get to a point in your life where you assume that you no longer need God’s mercy (Hebrews 4:16). Nothing we ever do can impress God apart from the faith we have in Him through His Son Jesus Christ. To live well and fulfilled is to walk in the steps of Jesus

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