PASTOR OLUSOLA OGIDAN Harvest talks about revival and awakening. There is coming back a revival to our land but we have to stand to defend it. Every move of God is always persecuted by the initiators of the previous moves. We have to make sure we are always up to date so that we can… Continue reading The Harvest (Day 3: Evening Session II)
Tag: Revival
The Harvest (Day 3: Morning Session II)

REV. DR. ODUN ORIOKE PASSION FOR SOUL HARVEST OR SOUL-WINNING Passion means: • Strong and burning desire • Burning Zeal • Fervency • Delight • Burning Enthusiasm • Very strong and consuming urge The opposite words of passion are: • Indifference • Apathy • Lack of concern • Lack of interest • Coldness BIBLICAL CALL… Continue reading The Harvest (Day 3: Morning Session II)