Spiritual Dullness


Minister: Pastor Olusola Ogidan

You will not always be given all the information you need, but it is expected of you to do the needful all the time; you must learn to fill up the blank spaces. We must learn to depend on the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us in working with the hints that God brings our ways. Spiritual dullness springs from being lazy towards spiritual things like studying the word. There is a necessity for us to interpret the happenings around us accurately and to understand what the Lord is communicating to us so that we don’t miss out on the plan of God for our lives.
Mathew 34:36-39, Revelation 3:17
A false sense of prosperity or success brings us to a place where we are dull in responding to God. To think you are alright when you are actually not is a delusion; this inhibits progress.
We must understand what true prosperity is. We must train ourselves not to dwell in our prosperity; we need to learn not to tabernacle around our achievements. Whatever we accomplish, we acknowledge them and move on to the next thing God intends to do in the present time.
Mathew 24:39
It would be best if you stay attuned to receive the right information at the right time; this can be done when you are always guided by the Spirit. This is why it is important that we are not held down by your previous achievements.
Luke 21:34
We stay aware not because we were pre-informed but because we keep being informed; we keep following and we remain sensitive. Many of us stop being aware because we allow ourselves to be drunk by things that will not help our spiritual sensitivity. The moment we journey outside moderation, we come into drunkenness. We can only overcome these excesses by allowing ourselves to be continually filled with the Holy Ghost.
Being carried away by the cares of this life also wears us out. We must intentionally allow God to take care of our fears and we should give Him time to work those things out. We must allow God to interrupt our plans if He has to. It is difficult to trust God under the burden of cares but we must be intentional about it and allow Him to take charge of all our cares because we will always have them. Instead of being consumed by cares, just let them go and channel your energy into trusting God. It might seem that your walls are fallen but God knows how to take care of it all.
Ephesians 4:30, 1 Samuel 15:23
You grieve the Holy Ghost when you sin and disobey specific instructions. Continuous disobedience makes you feel neglected by God because disobedience silences the voice of the Holy Spirit. More so, sin blocks your senses; it hardens you and inhibits your hearing. Sin has pleasure and in that pleasure lies its deceit (Hebrew 12:13).
A hardened heart leads to a hardened neck. Sin makes you not listen to or receive instructions (Proverbs 29:1). We need to be up and doing to ensure we don’t get into the trap of spiritual dullness.

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