Sin as appetite for death (Part 3)

11th August, 2020

Ministering: Pastor Bola Bello

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”.

1 Corinthians 2:9

Often, we look at this scripture as referring to miraculous things which we have not seen or heard about, that the church is waiting for to be revealed. However, it could also talk about the things in the mind of God that the physical eyes have not seen or canal ears have not heard. The things of God are understood by the help of the Holy Spirit. As it is impossible to know the things of man except by the spirit of man himself, in the same vein, only the Spirit of God understands and knows the things of God. The Holy Spirit is meant to communicate the things of God to us and help us understand them. The more we relate with Him, the more of God and His will that we know. The Disciples of Christ could interpret mysteries because they had been with Jesus and there had been transference of certain spiritual virtues to them.

Genesis 2:7-8, 19

As wonderful as the physical eyes are, they are limited to the light of the day.  When the natural light is no longer available, the eyes cannot see, and people will grope in darkness. Not because people are blind, but because their eyes depend on the physical light to function. Therefore, the physical eye is limited and cannot partake of the things of the spirit realm. The physical ears are also wonderful, but just like the eyes, the natural ears cannot also hear God.

In Genesis 2:7, the configuration of man is seen; man was molded from clay and the breath of God made him a living soul. Most times, more emphasis is put on the product (a living soul) at the expense of the breath that gave the life. Man is not the only living creature, but there is a difference between him and other living creatures (Genesis 2:19). The beasts are also living creatures (Genesis 2:20) but they are different from man. The difference between man and other living creatures is the breath of God.


Genesis 3:9

Adam was able to hear the voice of God in the garden because he was wired to hear God. His sight was also not limited to what he could see in the physical. Man was created to see and hear spiritually. What we see, hear, feel, taste and smell all have a connection with our soul. However, like physical eyes or ears, there are also spiritual eyes and ears (Matthew 13:13-14). The problem with us is that we depend so much on the physical senses than the spiritual senses. Before a man can see or hear in the spiritual realm, he needs to depend on spiritual eyes and ears to fellowship with God.

God intends that man will be a collaborator with Him so that what He does in heaven will be done on earth. Man cannot essentially become what God wants him to be except there is collaboration between him and God. Man was created to enjoy fellowship with the creator. God intended to make man a friend so He enabled him with the capacity and strength to be able to receive, see and hear Him.

Genesis 7:22

I believe it was the soul of man that was corrupted at the fall, not the spirit of man, though there was a renewal or re-activation of the spirit to enable a fellowship through the baptism of the Spirit. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit comes upon a man, God can communicate with him.

Just like the soul of man is being fed daily, the need to feed the spirit with spiritual menu cannot be over emphasized. God intends that we be led dominantly by the Spirit and understand the things of God. If this will be our experience, we must feed our spirit. When the spirit is fed, the flesh is weakened and then can we live as God wants and replicate on earth that which is done in heaven.


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