Sin as an appetite for death (Part 2)

4th August, 2020

Ministering: Pastor Bola Bello

Hebrews 1: 5-6

If man does not understand the reason and the intent of Satan to lure man to sin, man will not stop following Satan. And except man stops following Satan, he will never stop sinning. The intention of sin is to stop man from entering into God’s glory.

Man was been made a little lower than angels; he was made as a lesser container but was filled with a better content. This better content is what Satan does not want man to manifest, so he causes man to sin to ensure man is always seeing himself as disadvantaged, and keep falling for his deceit.

It is important for us to understand the intent of this warfare. Basically, Satan intends to prove to God that man is not worthy of being called son. Therefore, Satan baits man with things so that man will continue to follow him, and overtime, he will own us as his property (1 John 3:8).

Jesus was the first begotten of God, but the day he was begotten was unknown to man and angels. However, his revelation as the son of God to the world, can be dated to when He was first baptised at Jordan. By that act of Jesus’ baptism which was a show of absolute obedience, He was revealed as God’s begotten. He was shown to the world as a Son, so that He can raise many sons to God. By this process of raising men as sons, man who was seen as an inferior element would have been made better than the angels (Hebrews 1:5-6) through his sonship with God.

Man, a mere dust, could not be tolerated by Lucifer as a son of God, hence, he championed the host of angels to rebel against the intention of God to make men His sons. We also must be careful of what we champion especially in the Church or against the government, since such may become luciferian action before God. Many in the church today are becoming a type of Lucifer through rebellion against the leaders. In Numbers 16:1-3, some Levites protested for a course that seems genuine, it looked like they were defending God’s interest but God did not ask for such unruly attitude in the house, hence they were promptly condemned and judged. You should not also gather people to raise uproar in the body of Christ. People can be wrong but it is not your duty to judge.

Furthermore, God did not create sin, death, sickness or any evil; sin and rebellion triggered them into existence. All that God created was good (Genesis 1:31) but sin came in and all other evil were formed. Satan took sin as a weapon to destroy man. He wanted to corrupt that which God has called good. The destruction in John 10: 10 is not an annihilation of man but the destruction of essence and values placed on man. Satan desires to turn man into a vessel fitted for the wrath of God. He wants man to walk in contrast to God’s will so that God will have reasons to destroy man Himself (Exodus 32:1-14).

From Isaiah 14:12-14, we see that Lucifer knew it was impossible for him to replace God on His seat, but he was trying all means possible to displace man from the seat God had created for him. When Satan deceived Eve, he told her they will not surely die, but Eve did not take note of the word ‘surely’ in his response. It was a play of words really; they will die, but not surely or immediately. So, sin keeps killing man on daily basis through his continuous separation from God.

Anything done out of order is rebellion. Satan rebelled against God’s intention of making men sons and some of the reasons are;

  1. Angels including cherubs were not made in God’s image.
  2. Angels were not made as sons but made as ministers to the sons (men).
  3.  Angels were not made like God but man was made to represent God (Hebrews 1:8) because man has been configured for righteousness.

He sold these to one-third of the angels who went up against God with him, who eventually become demons, some willing to inhabit man. He is still up on the game of making sure man loses his position in God, as sons. He baits us daily with sin. However it is our responsibility to ensure we resist him when he comes at us.

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