The Second Coming of Jesus


Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

2 Peter 3:3-14
The message of the second coming of Jesus is becoming scarce in our churches nowadays. Many preachers no longer talk about it as often as they should. This should not be because it is one of the foundations upon which God’s reward system is based.
We know Jesus died, rose and He is now seated by the right hand of God on high. However, many of us do not really pay attention to the fact that He is coming back; for some, the thought of His imminent coming has been pushed to the back of our minds.
It is tempting to think that since the fathers departed, everything continued as it was from the time of creation. However, the truth is that the time of the Lord would eventually come one day.
Majority of those who the Scripture call scoffers are people who were once conversant with the teaching of His coming back. They were once aware and once accepted that Jesus would come but along the line, they became weary and could not contain it anymore. So they asked, “where is the promise of His coming?”
Every time we wake up to a new day, we must know that God is preserving the earth for destruction, for the day of perdition and judgment of the wicked. So, we find Jesus always talking about His coming back. (Matthew 16: 26-27). This is why we must pay attention and be serious with our lives because He will reward everyone.
Acts 1:9-12
Scientific research has gone into space exploration to disprove the Bible’s claim that life only exists on earth. People, therefore, sponsor thoughts about where Jesus will come through when He returns but we know that He will return as He left. The pertinent question is about our level of preparation. The problem with most of us is that we value the present more than the future. So, we do not know how to prepare for what is ahead of us.
We must always remember the story of the ten virgins, how only five of them made preparations and put everything in place in case of any eventuality. How prepared are we? What if Jesus does not even come at the time we thought He would? Are we ready to keep the promise of His coming in our hearts till the end? If Jesus does not even come back in your own time and generation, would you still hold on to this truth?
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, Hebrew 11:13
There is so much to put in place for His coming, one of which is staying focused. Many of us have the capacity to be captivated with what is happening around us that we lose focus of what God is doing here on Earth (Luke 21:27-28). When things happen, our first response should be to turn to God and not the arm of flesh. This will help our mentality in keeping our focus.
Matthew 24:43-44
The time of His second coming is not known to any man but we are admonished to be ready always. We are all living in perilous times, no one is exempted. We must all set our hearts to expect His coming. We must be acquainted with the signs of the end time as written in the Scripture but we should not wait till we witness all the signs before we amend our ways.
1 Timothy 6:11-14
We cannot do without money but we must not allow it to control us nor should we allow it to determine the choices we make in life. There is gross wickedness on this Earth and money is the root of all of it. If you want to escape the Antichrist, do not let money control you. If it cannot, then the Antichrist will not be able to have your heart.
Jude 1:21
Make sure to keep yourself in the love of God in whatever you do in life. This will help you to meet Jesus without spots, wrinkles or blemishes.
In summary, we prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming by looking up and staying focused on God, by being prepared always so we are not caught unawares, by fleeing vices like the love of money and embracing godly virtues, and by keeping ourselves in the Love of God for if God is for us, no one can be against us.

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