The Second Coming of Christ (Part 1)

24th August 2021

Ministering: Pst Seyi Osanyinbi

From God’s perspective, living forever with Zoe life is far beyond normal. Talking about the second coming of Christ, the prophecies in the Old Testament couldn’t give full detail of what God has in mind. Coming to the New Testament, a fuller version of God’s intention is revealed especially in the book of Revelation. However, two things are constant: He who makes the Heavens and the earth cannot lie and He who makes the heavens and the earth is in control.

There is a need for us to be aware of the events of the end time as they unfold, otherwise, we’ll cast away our confidence. It was based on the prophetic word in Jeremiah 25:1 that Daniel went to Babylon and when the appointed time of release was set as recorded in Daniel 9:2, Daniel set his face to ask because nothing had happened. The response to his enquiry was the first precise record about the coming of the Messiah and the second coming of the Lord.

If any of us had lived in the days of Daniel, chances are that we would have turned away because nothing seemed to be happening just as it had been foretold by the prophet Jeremiah. Coming to the New Testament, one fact is established, Jesus had come and confirmed the covenant.

All the events described in Daniel 12:1ff talk about the end time. However, Daniel didn’t talk about the resurrection of Jesus and that was why it was Jesus Himself that announced He will resurrect after three days. According to the prophecies available, the Messiah was not prophesied to die, thus, the people never expected Jesus to die. The complete picture of all that was going to happen was not given from inception. Updates were given as events unfolded.

Matthew 24 is one New Testament passage that documents the events about the coming of Christ. In verses 1-3, the disciples asked three main questions that have to do with our faith. They asked what the signs of Jesus’ coming and the end of the world will be and when the things which Jesus had spoken would come to pass. Jesus in answering their questions gave a warning for us to guard against false witnesses and be prepared for afflictions of diverse kinds. Further in the text, other events that will characterize the coming of the Lord were revealed, that tribulation will keep on rising until it reaches a crescendo. We must trust God so that we will endure till the end.

As relayed in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3, 2:1-5, there shall be no secret appearing of the Lord Jesus. Every eye will see Him when He comes. Let no one deceive you about the coming of the Lord. The truth is, Jesus is coming back. Don’t be distracted but be prepared!

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