The Riches of His Kingdom I- Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

12TH JULY 2022
Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi

Genesis 2:9
Before man was created, God had provided everything he would need for life and godliness. There is nothing outside of God’s creation that man needs. According to God’s design, there will always be an interplay of the natural realm and the spiritual realm.
The earth is supposed to be a colony of heaven such that anything we see on earth are also found in heaven. Man was placed on earth to replicate the activities of God in heaven. Jesus said that much when He said he did on earth what His Father did in heaven. The prayer Jesus taught His disciples on letting the will of God be done on earth as it is in Heaven still stands today.
The resources of God are inexhaustible; man cannot expend them all. Man is the only thing in God’s creation that really looks like God. God made provisions for him to be well taken care of without worries until the fall (Genesis 1:29).
There are two kinds of economies: the economy of the earth and the economy of heaven. Based on the original design, God wants man to totally depend on Him.
Ezekiel 28:14-18
Satan created the system that causes scarcity and abundance in order to propel merchandise. If you gather what God does not give, you are a transgressor. Satan came to the earth to implement the system that makes men want to acquire things endlessly.
The Garden of Eden was a replica of a garden on the Mountain of the Lord. The original sin of Lucifer was his desire for more, this led him to use manipulation and control as tools. If we don’t want to be like Lucifer, we should be content with what God gives us from time to time. God has given us everything we will ever need and so lack was not part of His original plan for us.
Genesis 4:16
After the fall, man tried to live apart from God. Cain left God’s presence and went to live his life in his one way showing that he could survive without God. The world’s economic system often operates by people making money off other people’s efforts thus building empires for themselves.
God picked up Abraham to set up an economic system that is contrary to Lucifer’s style that man had embraced on earth. So, Abraham began to show a pattern of prosperity that was never known before. At first, he acquired riches in Egypt after he walked away from God’s presence and got into trouble.
As God opened up Abraham to this new way of life, he got to a point where he would no longer fight for anything as he trusted God every step of the way. When his herders clashed with Lot’s herders, he didn’t mind choosing a less fertile region because he knew God was his sustainer.
The blessing Isaac got from Abraham had little to do with material things. Having obtained the promise of God via Abraham, he sowed even during times of drought and famine and reaped bountiful harvests. The inheritance God gives is more far reaching than silver and gold. In fact, silver and gold are mere consequences of God’s blessing.
When Jesus was around, his disciples did not lack anything. Jesus, being the embodiment of God, had all his needs met at every point in time. He was able to feed tens of thousands of people in miraculous ways based on the economy of heaven.
James 4:13; Ecclesiastes 1:13; Matthew 6:28-32
The whole system that Satan has orchestrated is built around buying and selling; we can hardly survive without buying and selling today.
From Solomon’s experience, the solution to man’s problems is not acquiring more material things; it is to wholly depend on God in all things. Solomon was so glorious that a well-to-do queen saw him and literally passed out. In spite of all that, Solomon is seen by God as not been as adorned as the lilies of the field.
The gentiles live for things because they operate the economy of the earth. They are passionately preoccupied with acquiring things without end.
Ephesians 2:1,2
Lucifer is a custodian of ways; he charts courses for men to follow. His ways are the ways of disobedience. All the disobedience we see in these end times show us that Satan is working assiduously to hack us down.

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