21ST JUNE, 2022
Minister: Pst. (Mrs.) Adebola Osanyinbi
Knowing Christ is a process; the knowledge of Him cannot be exhausted. This knowledge represents the riches of His glory. Though his riches have been freely given to us, we still have to press into them.
2 Peter 1:1-7
You gave your life to Christ to have life eternal. When the grace of God touches you, you get to have His kind of life. To know Christ means to know the life in Him that we are expected to come into. Eternal life is the life of God that we started to live from the point of new birth, it does not start after death.
1 John 5:11-12
As children of God, the life of God given to us must remain in us; it is an endless life. Your relationship with God is what guarantees you of eternal life.
John 11:32, 13:1-3
Mary gave her best to the Lord Jesus Christ. She surrendered her all to get Jesus’ all.
We should make deliberate efforts in seeking Jesus.
Psalm 112:1-3
A man that seeks the Lord and delights in Him is a blessed man. Mary was blessed because she was diligent and focused on seeking Jesus. We must make up our minds to seek Him too. Though Solomon did not ask for riches, he got it in abundance because he sought wisdom. There is a wisdom we need to access for the riches we seek.
Being godly is by the strength of the Holy Spirit not by our own making. Godliness is coming into holy living and sustaining the consciousness of being holy. It is necessary for us to have the knowledge of God so we can live godly lives.
2 Chronicles 32:1-28
Satan always sets traps for the children of God in order to cut them short. Hezekiah had wealth and resources but his heart was lifted up. He eventually turned his heart to the Lord in humility thereby transferring God’s judgement to His future generations.
God requires us to have humble hearts. However, we should not be like Hezekiah who was only concerned about his days and his children had to suffer the consequences of his actions.