We have spent so much time talking about the gifts of the Spirit. But we forget that as much work there is for our external being, there are lots of work that still needs to be done internally. This is more reason why we need to understand the spiritual anatomy of man. Faith can take us far in our spiritual walk but we also need correct understanding. By prophecy, the operation of the anti-Christ has started and it is being inspired by fallen angels.

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

Ephesians 2:1-2;

Because, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Romans 1:21;

There are princes of darkness that are teaching men to begin to replace God with some other things. The best way to teach people is to excite their imaginations. Every thinking begins with a thought or imagination. By reason of experiences and exposure, words have different meaning to different people. This is the essence of the quickening of our spirit after we get born again. When we got born again, our spiritual senses need to awake. Adam fell and his eyes were opened, and the same is supposed to happen to us after we got born again. The knowledge of good and evil is a knowledge gained by experience. How do we deal with thoughts that pop up in our spirits?

Jesus performed a miracle healing a blind man, after touching him the first time and he had to touch him another time because his eyes were not completely opened. We need to be continually touched by Jesus in order to grow into Him. Justification is a way by which we grow, because justification comes when we see that we are inadequate to save ourselves. We do not enter the kingdom with good works, but we must prove by our fruits of good work that we are part of the kingdom. We become grafted into the body, but we need to grow into a tree in order to produce fruits.

We would see the reason why God did not take us up immediately we got born again, he wants us to grow and bear fruits for He is coming for the harvest at the end.

[biblegateway passage=”Romans 6:1-6″ display=”Romans 6:1-6″]; [biblegateway passage=”Romans 6:11-14″ display=”Romans 6:11-14″];

The provision for our salvation is meant to help us to become dead to sins. Our life as Christians should not be run on inspirations only. We can only demonstrate life when we are crucified with Christ. The Jews obeyed the old testament in order to find life, but they found death rather. The only way the Gentile church can show the Jews is to manifest the life of God. That life is not a product of anointing, it is a product of some workings and a personal relationship. Second hand relationship with God can only take us as far as Lot was taken.

We must learn to be conscious and pay attention to ourselves.

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