It is the kind of life we have that determines the lifestyle we express. Eternal life is the life of God and it is that which makes God unable to lie even if he was taught by the Devil. It is the life in God that makes this so.

Many of us claim to born again but we do not seem to have given up the old man, thereby blocking the expression of the new life. Our mind is meant to be renewed and renovated. Our spirits were dead in sins and trespasses before new birth, but it became quickened immediately afterwards.

We are called the bride of Christ and our wombs as brides of Christ is inside our Spirit. Eternal life is like a seed and it was planted inside of us when we received Christ. It needs to still grow. We must cooperate with God to make eternal life find expression in our lives.

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The whole of the mosaic laws and covenants rested on the law of Circumcision that was given to Abraham. No Israelite could access the Law and its covenants without interacting with the law of Circumcision. When we say that we are not under the law, it is not the law of Moses, it is the law of Circumcision. The antidote to flesh work is waking in the Spirit. It is not the mental acceptance of a doctrinal truth, it is about doing the truth. It is the Spirit of God that helps us to know the way God behaves.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

Galatians 5:25

Matthew 5,6 and 7 defines the constitution of God’s Kingdom. It is not enough that we are in the Spirit or being prophetic, because it is completely different from walking in the Spirit. Our citizenship is not of this world, but do we know this? The problem why we live and walk in the flesh is that we still set our affection on fleshly things.

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Amalek was a type of the flesh, and there is a consistent fight and warfare against it. The more we walk in the Spirit, the more we kill the flesh. The technology to overcome flesh has been made available. Although, it is going to be a very “boring” life of the minorities.

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