Receiving the Glory of God


Ministering: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi

Exodus 1; Timothy 2:14
Adam was created with glory but He lost it and exposed himself and humanity until Jesus came on a restorative mission. Glory is the tangible presence of God. When we talk about receiving the glory, we need to talk about the process that has been instituted for men to reclaim the glory. Receiving the glory is no longer automatic; your decision and efforts are required; it is no longer free of charge like in the case of Adam. When God encountered Nicodemus, he made him realize that his eyes must be opened. There is a correlation between being born again and veils being removed. For every progress a man makes, certain veils must be removed; certain beliefs must be taken away.
2 Corinthians 3:7-18
God intends to transfer His glory to man. Instead of the old law bringing life, it killed. In order not to destroy the whole of Israel, God had to raise a priesthood order for them in order to produce righteousness. There is either a fault with the testament or there is a fault with the people who hold on to the testament. The glory of God was resident in the tablet He gave Moses. There is a connection between reading and our mind; this is the reason God told Joshua that the Book of the Law must not depart out of his mouth and that he must meditate in it day and night.
James 1:25
The change that occurs as we behold the law of liberty happens continuously. There is a connection between image and glory. When God made Adam he said let us make man in our image and after our likeness. After Adam died, there was no mention of the image again in the Old Testament. God hates people who worship images. Whatever it is you behold, you will eventually change into. When you walk with the wise, you will be wise. For every measure of image you carry, there is a measure of glory attached to it. The flesh is one of the major problems we have; words alter your mind to think in a particular way.
Romans 12:2
The transference of glory comes by you looking into the image of Christ via the word of God; you get transformed into the same image you focus on. There are things you need to see that will reconfigure you. In the New Testament, it is revealed that Jesus is the brightness of God’s image. What Adam lost in the garden was the image and that is what Christ came to restore because image is linked with glory.
2 Corinthians 3:1-6
It is very important to note that a veritable means whereby the glory can be transferred to the church is through the fivefold ministry. When a person stands to minister, he passes across to people some teachings that have an effect on their hearts and they get transformed thereby. It is a miracle that we can exist in this chaotic world and still keep becoming like Jesus.

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