The Power of the Kingdom

Minister: Pst Seyi Osanyinbi

9TH MARCH 2021

Every kingdom has its power and the Kingdom we are concerned with is all about God. Every kingdom has an agenda; in the same vein, God has an agenda for His kingdom. In the first two statements in Matthew 6:9, Jesus made known the agenda of God. If we do not understand what the will of the Father is, we will miss it on His plan for us (Matthew 7:21-23).

Every kingdom should have what it takes to enforce its agenda. The quality of the power of any kingdom is dependent on the strength of the army at its disposal. God expects that we stand in the gap for the establishment of His will. He needs men who will cooperate with Him.

In the classical battle between David and Goliath, two men were seen in the physical but in the spiritual it was two armies fighting. Although we have angels on our side, these heavenly beings cannot fight on earth unless men call them to aid in battle. The truth is that God depends greatly on men and we have always been a limiting factor in the kingdom because we usually do not understand what God is doing and so cannot cooperate with Him.

In our warfare, we also have creation on our side. In Job 38:21-32, we see weapons for warfare in nature that we must learn to utilize. These things are there and can be deployed in battle. In an account of Israel’s warfare, the sun and moon stood still till Israel obtained victory. In another Bible account, hailstones rained down on the enemy and Israel was victorious. We also have the Holy Spirit to help us in battle.

Another weapon that we should put to use is the name of Jesus Christ. It is a pivotal weapon whose effectiveness we must understand. Going by our culture, a name is just a means of identification but when dealing with the spiritual realm, it functions beyond identification. Adam named all things (Genesis 2:19-20) not just for identity but according to their nature. Unfortunately, most parents give names to their children having no prophetic clue to discern what they will become. Names should not just be for identity, they are supposed to talk about the nature and lives of the bearers.

Hebrew 1:4-5 explains how excellent Jesus’ name is. The angels have excellent names but they pale in significance to Jesus’ name in which are embedded great treasures. There are powerful angels created by God, some whose names are not even known but they all do not possess the great power that is made available in the name of Jesus.

Jesus obtained so great a name through the sacrifice He made. The condition of obtaining the name is recorded in Philippians 2:5-11. The Bible gives a record of men that had been raised back to life: Elisha’s bone raised the dead, Jesus raised the dead also, the most miraculous of which was the raising of Lazarus who was dead and already stinking. Nevertheless, all these men eventually died. Jesus died and was raised back to life and lives forever.

There are strata of authority and Jesus Christ has been raised to the highest level, beyond any strata whether visible or invisible. He is raised far above all, so there is no need for contention. Jesus’ name is above all names and that confers on Him the superiority of authority.

When Jesus rose from the dead and showed Himself to His disciples, the only thing He gave them was His name. The most potent source of power at our disposal is the name of Jesus. At resurrection, God deposited in the name of Jesus all that the Godhead represents.

The name of Jesus is the most powerful weapon in the advancement of the Kingdom. It is by that name you enforce the agenda of the Kingdom. There is no other means through which the power of the kingdom can be established except by the name of Jesus.

It is the name of Jesus that advances the power of the Kingdom. It is by that name that impossibilities are made possible. It is by Jesus’ name that we walk through the earth fearlessly. It is in the name of Jesus that we open the door of salvation for men. The name of Jesus is infinitely more than silver and gold.

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