The Power of the Kingdom

Text:  Acts 1:6-8

Ministering: Pastor Bola Jayeola

The power of the Kingdom is not without expression. Jesus’ words in Acts 1:6 reveals that the power of the Kingdom is not in isolation rather it must be seen from the angle of God’s Kingdom. The power was not just given; it is for a purpose. The power was given that we may be witnesses of Christ. When its purpose is not understood, power will not be effectively used.

In Acts 2:11-14, we see that one of the manifestations of the power of the kingdom is to teach and preach. After Jesus’ temptation, He was endowed with power after which He went about preaching. At Paul’s conversion when Ananias came to minister to Him, the Bible recorded that after the power came upon him, he went out to preach. When our focus for the power that we seek is not for us to be witnesses, we may eventually not get the power or we misuse it when we get it.

What God is expecting from us as carriers of His power is to be witnesses wherever we find ourselves. The influence (kingdom) of God is inside us and we must reason on how much ground it has gained in our lives? One of the reasons the power will not be effective when it comes into us is because we lack the experience in handling it.

God is interested in expanding His kingdom and teaching and preaching are part of the means He desires to use in achieving this. What the power of the kingdom does to us is to give us boldness to talk. We will be able to achieve what God expects when people’s hearts are turned to God, this is what will advance the Kingdom.

When you preach what you know; what you have learnt from the Holy Spirit, power follows you. We must be up and about preaching and teaching with the measure of the power of the Kingdom we carry. From preaching and teaching, we can advance to other areas like healing and baptizing people in the Holy Spirit.

Every one of us has something to say; we have messages to preach to prove that we are carriers of God’s power. We have to be witnesses whether it is convenient or not.

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