The Place of Initiatives in Faith

15th May, 2022

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Faith is not passive; a person doesn’t just have faith by coming to church. Many of us have great ideas but only few have enough creativity to take initiative to actualise their dreams. We have different people in scriptures that took initiative and God referred to it as faith.
David (1 Samuel 17:22-25)
We see how Goliath paralyzed the Israelites from taking initiative through his forty-day boastful and intimidating talk. The Israelites made excuses as to why they couldn’t face the Philistines. However, David came on the scene, took initiative to confront Goliath and won victory for God’s people.
People that lack initiative talk rather than take action. David stepped up and showed he was a special breed: courageous, fearless and unassuming. He consulted no one before deciding to face Goliath. His brothers scorned him and tried to put him down but he was not distracted.
There are times when we don’t need to seek advice from people before taking appropriate steps like David did. He recognized the Israelites’ dilemma at the moment and rather than join them in complaining and murmuring, he took the initiative to take down Goliath. Without initiative, faith is useless.
Peter (Matthew 14:25-29)
Peter became the leader of the Apostles because he was always found in the frontline in all kinds of situation. Peter walked on water by taking initiative and throwing caution to the wind. No matter how crazy we think he was, he was the only person that walked on water apart from Jesus. Anyone who always takes initiatives will always be a leader.
Jonathan (1 Samuel 14)
Jonathan took initiative in battle and won victory for Israel. He did not bother consulting his father who would have discouraged him. Sometimes, when we are inspired by faith, we are better off taking steps without conferring with those who can discourage us. God only backs up those who take steps of faith.
To take initiative is to take steps of faith, especially against logic. Without initiative, there is no faith. The angels assigned by God to us are looking for opportunities to do God’s will through us but we often incapacitate them when we are laid back and we do not take initiatives.
Stephen (Acts 6:8)
Stephen stepped out in faith doing great wonders and miracles among the people, most likely without taking permission from the Apostles. He took initiative in manifesting the power of the Holy Spirit among the people. The Apostles did not shut down Stephen because they knew he was accomplishing God’s purpose.
Mordecai and Esther (Esther 4)
Sometimes we need to be forced like Esther to take initiative. Mordecai activated her and she took the initiative to fast, pray, organise a banquet for the king and Haman until the Jews were delivered. It is a blessing to have people that can push us into God’s will.
Titus (2 Corinthians 8:6)
Titus initiated giving in the Corinthian Church and he became an example to the believers there. Titus probably did not inform Paul before taking the initiative.
Proverbs 12:27; 18:9; 22:13; 24:30-34
Laziness kills initiatives and we must guard against it. We have to step out in faith even if the prevailing circumstances are not pleasant.

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