[biblegateway passage=”1 Timothy 5:14″ display=”1 Timothy 5:14″]

It is God’s will that many of us should marry so as not to get into the temptation to fornicate. Although with exceptions, some people become eunuchs and not marry because of the Kingdom sake. The Bible even mentioned that in the end times certain people would rise up forbidding marriage. In summary, it is not a sin or wrong to have a desire to be attracted to someone as a believer.

[biblegateway passage=”Titus 2:1-8″ display=”Titus 2:1-8″]

God’s expectations for the aged men is that they be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. Likewise, young men are supposed to be sober minded and they should be role models in doctrine, gravity, sincerity and sound speech.

The older women are expected to teach the younger women how to love their husbands and children. Discretion, chastity and home keeping are required of the young women if people will not blaspheme God because of them and not everybody in the church knows how to walk properly in all of this.

As believers, we must learn the skills of handling relationships so as not to cause frictions among ourselves. Brothers should also be wary of arousing passion in sisters. It does not speak well of us as brethren. In our relationship as believers, there must be a clear difference between light and darkness. We need to learn how to even be close with the opposite sex without our emotions going haywire.

Before thinking of marriage, maturity must be put into consideration and when you have come of age it will be obvious to all the elders in the church and then you can start thinking of marriage. Physical body development is not a sign of readiness for marriage. Maturity is particularly about being able to make right decisions. Also more importantly, your marriage partner must be genuinelly born again.


[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 7:28″ display=”1 Corinthians 7:28″]; [biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 13:17″ display=”Hebrews 13:17″]

In our present days, virginity is no longer en vogue but that idea is not a culture of Jesus’ disciples. Unmarried people who have not lost their virginity should keep it, those who have lost it should abstain from sex until they marry. That way, we honour God.

Proverbs 31:30

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”

More so, we should not marry someone because of favour, beauty, rather we should marry because of the Fear of God. Every brother has the right to propose to any sister; every sister has the right to either accept or reject a brother’s proposal. It is improper to lure a sister into marriage by showing her undue favour and by doting on her. It is serious error to marry a sister because she is charming or beautiful.

The role of correct spiritual guidance cannot be overemphasized in marital relationship matters because marriage will task everything you have ever learnt. When a brother proposes and the sister accepts, it becomes a binding agreement on both parties except that sex is out of it until after the wedding. The wedding is basically to formalize the agreement.


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