Our Vocation

11th May 2021

Text: Ephesians 4:1

MINISTER: Mrs Yemi Jayeola

Vocation means profession but in the Greek rendition it means calling. Paul beseeches us to walk worthy of our calling. This calling could be the invitation to salvation and it could be towards ministry. Every believer has a calling, we have been called unto Christ.

In every profession, training is a requirement. Paul instructs us to walk worthy of our vocation and we have to be trained for this.

To walk worthy of our vocation, knowledge is essential. We need to acquire information about our calling. There are people who had walked our path before, it is wise that we learn from them.

If we must be trained, we definitely need the Holy Spirit. For us to have been called, God has a goal for us to achieve. That is why He gave to us guardians to train us.

According to Colossians 1:10, it is paramount that we increase in our knowledge of God. We will be held accountable for our personal development after accepting Jesus as our Lord. Without us increasing in our knowledge of God, we cannot achieve the goal. There is a place of seeking. The more we seek, the more we know. We have to be diligent in seeking God, this requires our availability.

Moreover, it is required of us to bear fruits as stated in Galatians 5:22-23. We cannot bear fruits on our own except the Holy Spirit works it out in us. These fruits are what unbelievers will see in us that will make them glorify our Father in heaven. Without God, we can do absolutely nothing good.

The goal of our existence is to come into the fullness of Christ’s stature according to Ephesians 4:13. It is the Lord’s desire to search through us one day and find no filthiness in us. This cannot be achieved in a day, it is a gradual process. However, we have to be deliberate about it. We are expected to appear in the presence of God daily because it is in the process of intimacy that we get better

Learning is expected to bring change in character which should be permanent. Likewise, as we learn of the Lord, we should be changed. Our calling is unto faith, obedience and service. If we must make worthy our calling, the Word of God should be our guide. It is to serve as our code of conduct just like every profession has its own ethics. 2 Timothy 2:16-17 explains why we need the word of God. It is to bring us into perfection. Also, 1 Peter 2:2 admonishes us to create a desire for the word of God in order that we may grow.

Just as communication is essential in any workplace, we also need to communicate with God who has called us. We do this through prayer (Ephesians 6:18).

We need to communicate with the person we want to be like. The place of prayer is the place of depending on God. The ultimate goal of our vocation is to become like Christ who has called us.

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