Living as a Kingdom Community 

12th October 2021

Minister: Pst. Bola Bello

Hebrews 6:1

The church is a community of God’s people and the template of the kingdom of God. It is supposed to be a pattern for other kingdoms to learn administration and judgement. The church is also an expression of God’s dominion on the earth. It is unfortunate that today, the government is regulating the Church instead of the Church regulating the government. 

Daniel 2:43-46

The fighting force of the Church are men and women that understand judgement. The church represents a stone cut out of the mountain which is supposed to spread and annihilate other kingdoms. The Church of Christ is a powerful one that will prevail; iron represents might and things that can’t be restricted. However, it seems the present church is clay mixed with iron and it is the responsibility of those whom God has given insight to separate the clay from the iron.

Church is not just a spiritual place of meeting. We should see ourselves as a community of people who are connected. The Church is a family; the Church family is supposed to be patterned after the bonding between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. 

2 Corinthians 9:13

Do we really subject ourselves to what we profess? Who are the ones carrying our burdens with us? It is pathetic that many cannot express their needs to others in the church. When you have a need, the kingdom community should bear your burden with you.

As the Body of Christ, our message should be proactive rather than reactive. Since the curricula in local churches today are not the same, it is difficult for us to build together. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15) The issue of curriculum is the major impediment for us in the Church and it has hindered us from having correct apostolic experiences (Acts 4:32). 

1 John 4:7-9

Love is the evidence that we are of God and that we know God. If you love someone, you should show it. As a Church, love and care should be our lifestyle. This is kingdom life and we should live the way they live in heaven where there is no schism, envy, backbiting and all that.

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