The Kingdom Life (Part 2)

21st September 2021

Ministering: Pst. Bola Bello

The kingdom life has a lot of elements, all of which must be experienced if we must enjoy that life to the fullest. To fully exhibit all that the kingdom life entails, we must have a sound understanding of life itself. Before the church can effectively utilize her power, she needs to be trained (by God) just as Paul explained in Galatians 4. Sadly, many do not want to be trained but want to express their power. Except we are fully trained and certified by the Spirit, we cannot express the kingdom powerfully. In the kingdom, only sons can express power and children are raised to become sons through experience, training, rebuke, etc.

Coming into the kingdom is coming into responsibility. No one ever gives the throne to a child. Of course, this maturity does not have to do with age. The idea of responsibility is well explained in Genesis 47:12 where the homebuilding responsibility of a son is further explained. 

The church is an extension of the kingdom. As such, she is saddled with the responsibility of building it. Kingdom principles should nurture children into adulthood and a son has the responsibility to recover and establish the principles of the kingdom. Against expectations, kingdom principles may not bring you more money. However, money should not influence you to change the topic. 

It is only a son that maintains kingdom dominion with maturity. Usually, God ensures that we are mature before He brings us into dominion. The kingdom is progressing and only sons can advance it. This advancement is not possible except the culture of the world is overtaken by us. 

Isaiah 11:1ff

As a son, no matter how much a matter affects you, you must judge with equity. The way and manner with which you judge a matter today will determine if you will be given another case to judge tomorrow.

Anyone coming into kingship in the kingdom must have the nature of God (John 5:30). This makes us judge from the perspective of God which is the right way to judge. We can’t have the mind of God without intimacy and devoting quality time to scriptures is one of the ways to build intimacy with Him. The more of the scriptures we know, the more of the mind of God we know. Worship, praise and prayers are other means by which we build intimacy with God.

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