21st November 2021

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Honesty is important in human relationships; unfortunately, it is rare to find honest people nowadays. Everybody is looking for how they can gain massively, no matter what the cost is. People are greedy and seem to always have a justification for their actions.
There are many people placed in critical positions without honest reports. Dishonesty is now exhibited by many; believers in Christ and unbelievers alike. Nonetheless, if we will represent the kingdom of God here on Earth, we have to imbibe honesty as an attribute.
In the selection of deacons, honesty was the first criteria mentioned (Acts 6:2). God will never entrust Kingdom affairs into the hands of a dishonest man. Before David was chosen as king, the state of his heart was tested. Conversely, Gehazi did not pass his test because of his greed and dishonesty and he lost his birthright of being the third prophetic generation from Elijah.
Luke 8:15, 2 Corinthians 4:2, Ezekiel 22:27, Luke 16:10
If you will be productive in the things of God, honesty is a requirement. Resources of heaven will not be committed into your hands if you are judged as a dishonest manager. Many people have been denied the opportunity of handling kingdom wealth because they are unfaithful.
Daniel and his friends were said to be honest before they were placed in critical positions. David also showed himself as a man of integrity. We must make up our minds to go God’s way and be people of honest reports early enough. Daniel and his friends had made the resolution to be different before they were tested with food in the king’s court. They had made up their minds not to disappoint God right from the beginning.
Ask yourself this sincere question, “If God brings me into a position of influence or authority, will I be honest with what He will commit into my hands?” You should be able to give a definite answer to that question and make a resolution to be honest.

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