We often times make wrong decisions in life because we don’t know the value of our soul. We think we do, but we really don’t.


The Lord should open our eyes and teach us the value of our souls

Evangelism is not profitable when we don’t know the value of a single soul. We would not easily give up on souls around us.


The lord should pour his love for souls in our heart.

By experience, we have come to see that loving God is not easy. Except God does the work, we can not love Him. He has to step in to our realm and help us. Loving God is not about being fanatic.


Lord, help me to partake in loving you and filled with loving you.

Lord, help me to know, understand and walk in your love.

We cannot walk in the abundance of life that Christ brought us to, it is the life of God. It is the life we are called into (the life of love). If we don’t measure up by the index of God’s love. Self-generated love is not God’s.


Lord, help me to partake in loving you and filled with loving you.

Lord, help me to know, understand and walk in your love.

The mystery of the body of Christ is that no two person cannot be alike, but we are supposed to be like minded.


The Lord should help us appreciate the diversity, differences and uniqueness of each other.

The Lord would keep the Church united.

The eloquence of a preacher is not a factor to determine people being blessed. Moreover, our listening ability is on different levels.


The Lord will keep all the minsters coming for the Believers’ Convention.

The bible says that men are going to begin to give heed to seductive spirits. Wolves will come in the clothings of sheeps and try to tear us down with wrong teachings and deceptions. If packaging can sway men away from the truth, how much more lying wonders.


The Lord should teach us recognize the voice of the Lord so that we would not follow the voices of Wolves.

People are still in darkness. Satan is not really against our coming to church, as long as there is no life and light. Death is running in the Church.


The Lord should help the Church as men cannot be coming to church and darkness is still operating in men.

The Lord should revive men and nations as death has already eaten deep in men.

The Lord should cause men to begin to give up their works of darkness and repent.


The Lord should bless us with his favour in the sight of men.

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