The Gospel of the Kingdom (part 4)

Pastor Dele Olubi

[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 2:12″ display=”1 Corinthians 2:12″]

God’s gift to man was His most valuable. God came in the flesh and allowed death to capture Him so that sin can be destroyed once and for all. Through this, His gift came several rights and privileges to the man in Christ and we must be appreciative of this abundant wealth.

[biblegateway passage=”Acts 1:1-3″ display=”Acts 1:1-3″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 Corinthians 5:17-19″ display=”2 Corinthians 5:17-19″]; [biblegateway passage=”Acts 8:12″ display=”Acts 8:12″]; [biblegateway passage=”Psalms 75:1″ display=”Psalms 75:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”Matthew 28:18-20″ display=”Matthew 28:18-20″]; [biblegateway passage=”Mark 16:15-17″ display=”Mark 16:15-17″]

The design of the Kingdom is such as to be planted in the hearts of men that would eventually expand internally and then spread from man to man. The Kingdom of God to a believer should not be communicated as one that is shrouded in mysteries. It is expected to be taught plainly and with simplicity. An example we can reference is the way Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom in simplicity apart from teaching it.

Jesus taught Kingdom by making use of infallible proofs because the Kingdom is not just in words, but in power. The pattern in Jesus’ teaching of the Kingdom is such that power always followed it. In the casting of demons, healing the sick, and so on, Jesus said the Kingdom is nigh by the manifestation of all of these.

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 9:1″ display=”Luke 9:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 2:1″ display=”1 Corinthians 2:1″];

It is important that when anyone comes around us and are not saved, it should strike our minds to communicate the gospel. We do not have to be in the office of an evangelist to take that position. We must also not forget that Jesus commissioned us and decked us with power and authority so that we can bear proofs with the gospel we preach.

The best way to understand the kingdom of God is to experience it. The Kingdom of God is not in meat and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. These are the expected experiences of a believer.

We are a people of power and grace. It is supposed to be to our advantage that we got saved in a season of rich knowledge of Christ. The kingdom of God is forceful and we must press into manifesting the full capacity of the Kingdom. The gospel just needs vessels that God wants to make use of.

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