The Gospel of the Kingdom (part 3)

Pastor Dele Olubi

We have started a discussion on the greatness of God and when we talk about God’s sovereignty, it does not mean that He is the one doing everything. Creation is presently in a state of rebellion and although God knows about the evils all around the world, it does not mean He caused them. You need to understand that the compass for good and evil is God. The rebellion man exhibits are also seen in Creature. When satan said Man will be like God, he was trying to sell them a cheap gospel just like we have it today. God cannot call evil good because He does not lie. He has the exclusive right to say what is right and what is wrong and His judgment is always fair. We have also talked about God’s throne, righteousness and judgement. Denying oneself is negating one’s character. For God to lie will mean that he has denied himself and it is impossible for God to contradict himself by the virtue of who He is.

[biblegateway passage=”Luke 10:11″ display=”Luke 10:11″], [biblegateway passage=”Luke 16:16″ display=”Luke 16:16″], [biblegateway passage=”Mark 1:15″ display=”Mark 1:15″], [biblegateway passage=”Psalms 92:15″ display=”Psalms 92:15″]

Today we will talk about the gospel of the kingdom. Truly, there is nothing satisfactory in the human government. When we hear about the kingdom of God, most times we see it as something to come at the end of the age but a good look at how Jesus described it revealed it was something close by (post-resurrection) and in fact, the kingdom has come. Looking at some other references, we see the perspective of the kingdom of God as a time to come. But all culminates to explain that the kingdom of God is already here.  The kingdom of God did not just come suddenly but has been heralded over time.

[biblegateway passage=”Titus 1:3″ display=”Titus 1:3″] – If there is anything like the pillars of Christian faith, evangelism is one. The sinner needs the gospel of repentance but though you have been saved, what you hear is still the gospel. The question then is “what you do you do with the gospel that you hear”? Since God gave His son, he has been hiding nothing from humanity henceforth. There is nothing between you and God that will prevent you from knowing Him. You have access to the knowledge of Him but must be careful what the knowledge does to you. Satan was corrupted by knowledge. Knowledge can make and can also destroy. When God reveals his knowledge, it is for a purpose.

Jesus sent out his disciples and they returned happy that spirits were subject to them. The joy was theirs, the writing of their names in heaven was God’s profiting. That your name is written in heaven is God’s gain.  Your new nature in Christ Jesus is not the end of your salvation. You need to see Jesus as the centre of it all and not yourself. When you get exposed to knowledge, how do you ensure that you stand on safe ground? At every point when men have looked at themselves as the centre of God’s truth, they lose focus. Every time you begin to develop a mindset that all that you know is the only thing that exists or that what you know is superior to what another person knows, then there is a problem.

[biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 13:8″ display=”1 Corinthians 13:8″]

God will only reveal himself on the premise of trust. You are not the end of what God reveals to you, He is the one that will profit from it at the end of the day. Anytime you don’t see God unveil Himself in a big picture you are not truly a kingdom person. Whatever God releases is still for Him, that is why when a man makes a mess of what God is doing, He leaves him and finds a replacement. Instead of God changing His assignment, He will rather change men. In the new order, God is raising a class of people who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Paul had many revelations but He said He will rather glory in his suffering. Be careful with whatever you get and never see yourself as the end of it.

When God sows, He wants to reap. Everything He gives you is because of the kingdom. God’s blessings do not end on you, He gives you so you can be a blessing to others. When God’s knowledge comes to you, it is to serve kingdom purposes. Anytime God enters into a case, he must be justified, therefore, when people see you they must praise God. Self-centeredness is a sign of immaturity. God is the agenda, you are only a part of it. Things exist for Him and not for you. Any knowledge given to you is not for your sake but for His sake

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