GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 6 (Morning Session) Part 1


[biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 16:17″ display=”MATTHEW 16:17″], [biblegateway passage=”ACTS 2:15″ display=”ACTS 2:15″]

It is possible for us to be engaged in supernatural experiences and we may not be able to identify them. If we are unable to identify properly the workings of God in our lives, it will slow down our spiritually. The lord wants us to identify this convention and conference as a revival, the end time revival. We should be careful not to limit the concept of revival to only just the outburst of Holy Spirit through the speaking in tongues, healing and so on.

Revival is not totally meant for solving the problems of man. Revival is all about fulfilling the course of God per time. It is about the awakening to the fulfillment of God’s will for the Church.

Going unto perfection is the end time revival. God is awakening the Church to his perfect will for the body. Revivals that we have been experiencing before now are simply preparatory revivals. God is bringing this to our awareness so that we won’t be careless.

Philippians 2:13

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

Many times God has assisted us in believing and walk in His words. He puts Faith in our hearts; but sometimes He will only put Faith in us if we are patient enough to exercise.

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Going unto perfection is about coming to God in order to transcend from manhood to Godhood. He that comes to God must believe that he is; and this comes from a walking with God like all the Patriarchs in [Hebrews 11] did in different measures. All the experiences of the Patriarchs were prophetic symbols showing our coming to Christ and Perfection. The common thing they all shared is that they have come to believe that God is, as a result of the relationship with God.

[biblegateway passage=”Hebrews 11:8-9″ display=”Hebrews 11:8-9″]

We believe by taking a mental position in our hearts, but that is not enough only. Somewhere in us we are unbelieving believers. We show we truly believe a promise by the lifestyle we live. If we truly believe the words and promises of God, it would reflect on the kind of life that we live.

The promises of God are so big and unimaginable at times. It is unbelief that makes us to live a careless life having received the words and promises of God.

Genesis 5:22

And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:”

We also have this wrong notion that when we get married our walk and fellowship with God will diminish. Enoch walked with God as a family man.

[biblegateway passage=”2 Kings 20:1-7″ display=”2 Kings 20:1-7″]

If Hezekiah did not pay attention to the instruction of God, he would have died despite that God promised that he would surely not die. The promise you believe would shape your life. The sign of true believing is shown by the way we live our lives.

We should try to remember the promises of God hanging over our lives, examine our lifestyle and see if it aligns and is in preparation with respect to the promises. We are not just about the lifestyle of Holiness and Righteousness. These are generic things. Can we because of the weight of promises of God hanging over our lives start sacrificing some things and living a regimented life?


  • Lord, give me the Spirit of prayer and supplicate not just only corporately but personally.
  • Lord, help me to live in a life that aligns and in preparation to your promises and workings in my life.

Galatians 4:19

My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you”

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