GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 6 (Evening Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6:1″ display=”HEBREWS 6:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 28:9″ display=”ISAIAH 28:9″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 15:55″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 15:55″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 2:17″ display=”GENESIS 2:17″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:1-2″ display=”ROMANS 8:1-2″]

We cannot access the New Testament outside the principle of learning. Strength comes knowledge. Learning the law of a thing is knowing the thing. Laws are the guiding principles of a thing. The Law of Sin and Death is the Knowledge of Sin and Death.

The two trees in Eden represent two different laws: The Law of Life & The Law of Sin and Death. One law precludes the other.

Jesus was learning life until He passed the test and acquired life. No other law can override the Law of Sin and Death except the law that was beside it in Eden. Grace and Truth is equal to the Spirit and Life.

The Law of Moses was from God but it could not bring men to perfection. That law was merely a shadow of the law to come. The rich young ruler by the law of Moses became a ruler of the Jews and acquired great wealth. However, the law could not qualify Him for the Kingdom of God.

The Law kept people indebted until it was fulfilled, that was why Jesus came to fulfill it in order to deliver people from it’s claws. Jesus was obeying life and He was fulfilling the Law. The highest payment for the Law was to hang a man on the tree. Jesus went to the cross and paid all that the Jews owed the Law. He put paid to the Old Order in order to initiate the New one.

When Jesus fulfilled the Law, He abolished it and as such the Jews can no longer boast about it. By fulfilling the Law, Jesus rolled away our heavy loads and replaced it with His easy yoke. A yoke is actually a law. Jesus’ yoke tells us we are not free to be free but we are free to live in freedom.

The reason for the Most Holy Place is the Ark of the Covenant. The reason for the Ark of the Covenant is the Covenant. The Covenant is the embodiment of the utterances of God. Words are things from God, stones are things from men.

The glory cloud actually gets to rest upon the Ark of the Covenant because of the covenant. If you don’t have the witness of God in you, His glory cannot rest on you.

Seeing the kingdom is to get the images of the kingdom vividly painted to us until we can relate with it; until we can handle it.

[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 8:10″ display=”HEBREWS 8:10″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6″ display=”HEBREWS 6″]; [biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 6:12″ display=”EPHESIANS 6:12″]; [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 22:37-39″ display=”MATTHEW 22:37-39″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 5:1-5″ display=”ROMANS 5:1-5″]

All the ten commandments are just trying to explain the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. The actual new testament is not in the elementary principles. We need the basics to have strength to carry the actual knowledge of the New Testament. We should get to a place where we do not respond to fleshly stimulus. Perfection is total deadness to the flesh. In perfection, you are so dead that that you cannot respond to sin.

God has to expire the strength of sin in us so that we can be dead to it. The knowledge of God gives us strength to be above sin. There are spirits that are in charge of sin and death. All their intention is to separate us from God. Faith makes us overcome sin; Life helps us to overcome death.

You cannot love until it is shared in your heart; Tribulation is an integral part of our pursuit of perfection. Tribulation works patience; Patience works experience; experience works hope that makes not ashamed because God’s love is shed abroad in our hearts. Hope gives us God; a hopeless person is a godless person.
+Perfection in the Book of Hebrews is a progression. Chapter 7 gives us the technology for perfection as the Eternal Priesthood in the Order of Melchizedek.

[biblegateway passage=”JOHN 15:10″ display=”JOHN 15:10″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOHN 14:2,23,24″ display=”JOHN 14:2,23,24″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 9:1-12″ display=”HEBREWS 9:1-12″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 3:12″ display=”HEBREWS 3:12″]; [biblegateway passage=”REVELATION 12:11″ display=”REVELATION 12:11″]

Jesus overcome sin and death because He obeyed God’s law. To abide in God is to remain in God so as not to be cut off. Jesus’ abode is love. Love is the inscription of God in the heart of man. God is love because He doesn’t fail; Love does not fail.

Sanctuary priests are called high priests; to be perfected is to be a priest that is High. The law of the Sanctuary is the Law of Faith; the Law of the Most Holy Pace is the Law of Love. The Most Holy Place is the realm of the Covenant. Ministers who are high priests must have hidden manna and the rod of righteousness. If you don’t have the height of God, if you don’t carry the fullness of God, you can’t rule. The hidden manna is the Divine nature. Strong men are men of the Holy Place who can get to the Golden Altar in order to advance to the Most Holy Place.

You can never be purged by the blood except through your conscience. There is a law in that blood; there is a wisdom in that blood that formats the conscience. To come to God, is to have the conscience reprogrammed with the codes of God. Sin dulls our intelligence.

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