GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 5 (Morning Session) Part 3


[biblegateway passage=”PSALM 25:1-5″ display=”PSALM 25:1-5″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 23:1-3″ display=”PSALM 23:1-3″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 12:1-2″ display=”ROMANS 12:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 2:1,2 ” display=”EPHESIANS 2:1,2 “]

If you are not led you cannot know the way of the Lord. We need to know the path of salvation. There’s no redemption without the path. For churches to do well, they must have the leading of the spirit. To be led in God’s truth is to be led in His way. You cannot discover truth unless you are on the path of truth. You are being saved when you walk in the way of truth.

God’s path is his mercies and his love at work. You cannot stop sinning until you are taught His way. Sin is attached to a way; it came from a course; there is a way that cultures sin. You cannot teach a man how to avoid sin except he is taught the path of God. The path of this world is Satan’s path; that is the more reason why we should hate it. Do not rejoice in the prosperity of sinners. The season of the righteous man is not according to the prosperity of the flesh.

Certain people have rule over your soul, they are the overseers of your soul. You cannot do well if you are left alone. You cannot discover truth except you are in the way.

The restoration of the soul is not the perfection of salvation. There is still need to be led in the path of righteousness. You cannot be a correct minister if you are not being led. He who has not been led can’t lead God’s people.

The purpose of the restoration of the soul is to find God’s will. Green grass and still water restore the souls in order to discover the will of God. The perfect will of God are doctrines in the Spirit that are meant for the furtherance of our salvation until perfection is achieved.

God’s good pleasure will not prosper in a man that loves this world. If you love the world, you are an enemy of God. The world is being perpetuated by the spirit of disobedience. When you stand against the world, the Devil will come after you.

The End Time Move is consisted in growing and maturing people. God is interested; He is hungry for the precious fruits of the earth and He has long patience for it. Precious fruits bring joy. The Feast of Tabernacles involves the Isrealites going out of their tents to gather fruits not herbs. God expects fruits from trees from us not herbs. These fruits bring God.

[biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:19″ display=”ROMANS 8:19″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 25:6-12″ display=”PSALM 25:6-12″]

The Church has just received the first fruits of the Spirit in the names of new birth, Holy Ghost Baptism, the Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit. As such, we still have way to go until we get perfected and we enter into eternal life. God is investing in us so that we can reap a great harvest of immortals. God’s ultimate life is to impart life to His people and terminate death.

Tender mercies and loving-kindness are God’s storage devices for dealing with those that will walk in His ways. God will teach sinners in the way; we cannot stop sinning until we are taught. You cannot stop sinning until you begin to walk a path that is opposed to the way of sin. The path of this world is the power of Satan.

David is one of the greatest writers of the Old Testament. [biblegateway passage=”Psalm 1″ display=”Psalm 1″] is the summary of the whole book of Psalm. We must not copy ungodly people even those among the saints. The season of a righteous man is not according to the timing of the flesh.

It takes time to develop a righteous man. Obeying righteousness is walking in line with the throne. We have warriors against us; evil spirits will war; we believers also have to war to lay hold of eternal life. Abraham was great but he was not built by Faith Towards God; he learned doctrine. Abraham was rich in gold not because he was looking for gold; gold is a mere addition when we tow the path of righteousness. Nobody will embrace righteousness and live in penury.

A sinner who is meek is a sinner you can help. Meekness helps you to embrace better things when you see them. The mercy you find is to have staying power to resist the allure of the world. There is no way except the way of truth. The way of truth may involve some suffering. Suffering is waiting on God until we are perfected.

The day you got born again, your spirit was saved but your soul is still a sinner. There is a sin that can kill your spirit when you have handled the good word of the Lord and you turn back without having appetite for repentance (Hebrews 10:26).

[biblegateway passage=”1 PETER 4:1-4″ display=”1 PETER 4:1-4″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 PETER 1:9-12 ” display=”1 PETER 1:9-12 “]

We can’t cease from sin if we are not walking in the path of righteousness. We do not sin because we are held back by righteousness.

We should not live the rest of our time in the flesh. The lusts of men are the pulls of men; their ambitions. Men do not like to submit to the Spirit because they don’t want to look foolish to the world. When you are off course and you are not ashamed, something is sure wrong.

The renewing of the mind make us discover the will of God. The good will of God is faith which has something to do with suffering. Anyone who walks in the faith of the son will suffer. To have the faith of the son is to live against the pattern of this world. You can’t appear in glory with an iota of this world. You have to get to a point where you hate the world; if you don’t hate the world, you won’t do well with God. It is He who gives strength or ability to hate it. If you love the world you are an enemy of God because the world is being perpetuated by spirits. When you find the word, the prince of the world comes after you.

The Word of Righteousness is to turn us into Christ who can relate with God. Christ is the new man and to be like Him, flesh will have to suffer. Suffering makes us better. Sufferings are measured in different ways. When you fall, God is in the business of taking you up till you get to a position when you can no longer sin. There is no entrance into glory except I have become Christ.

There is a perfection before the perfect. Christ is the perfect man for a perfect God. God is the glory of Christ. A perfect man is man that can handle God. I can’t deal with God if I can’t agree with Christ.

If we must be like Christ, we must not forsake Him. We need a change of paradigms to be like Christ. Our timing has to give way for His. We must follow His timing for maturing and perfecting us. You should live well by investing your life in God. You shouldn’t be positioned in the lust of men but be positioned in the Spirit. The good will of God is faith and and perfect will is suffering and living against the pattern of this world.

A powerful man is a suffering man; suffering is going through the the dealings of God. Christ came as an example for those who will walk in his pattern. In the process of becoming like Christ, you will suffer. There is no entrance into glory except you have become Christ; there is “a perfection” before “the perfection”. God is the perfection. While inheriting Christ; you are preparing yourself for perfection. You cannot be with God if you can’t agree with Christ. What God wants to produce on earth are Christs everywhere not mere Christians or church goers.

Prophecy: Many are coming to this path of righteousness; we will depopulate the other path. Keep preaching this message just like other people are preaching it. More and more people will come into this path from 2017 and beyond.

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